
Let's say I have a react component like this:

const MyComponent = ({data}) => (<div>{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>); 

const myReduxSelector = (state, id) => state.someData[id]; 

export default connect(
    (state, ownProps) => ({
     data: myReduxSelector(state, ownProps.someId)

Now this works fine, if the data already exists.

What's the tidiest way to handle this, if the data doesn't already exist?

The only way I can really see to to this, to add an onMount/construct function to dispatch an action that will fetch it.


class MyComponent extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        if (! {

    render() {
       const {data} = this.props;    
       return <div>{JSON.stringify(data)</div>; 


export default connect(
    (state, ownProps) => ({
         data: myReduxSelector(state, ownProps.someId)
     (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
        fetchData: () => dispatch(createFetchDataAction(ownProps.someId))

The problem with this is - say I have lots of components that all do this, it just becomes a pain to write and maintain.

Is there a tidy, established pattern for solving this problem? Use of redux-saga is acceptable.

No hay solución correcta

Otros consejos

Sounds like a typical scenario for HOC (higher-order-component) or RenderProps if you prefer it that way. The component would receive the action type that needs to be fired and does so on it's componentWillMount.

Though it's 2019, so a custom effect (React Hook) that dispatches the action from a FunctionalComponentwould probably be the way to go with the current setup based on the information you provided.

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