
I'm using Magento 2 v 2.3.3 with Ubuntu. I have cron job activated but for some reason doesn't it seem to work and my website is taking up alot of server memory. On my var/lib/mysql it's taking up around 62G.

As far as I can see everything seem to be runing as it should. It doesn't even print out any log files. And It seem to have the correct folder permission. Any ide of what the problem can be? Thanks!

I have already checked:

#~ MAGENTO START d9133c30253161587b8cc6041f13f89ad82e43ff1211994ea3d5d2c68babc079
0 9 * * 2 /usr/bin/php7.3 /var/www/html/root/bin/magento cron:run 2>&1 | grep -v "Ran jobs by schedule" >> /var/www/html/root/var/log/magento.cron.log
0 10 * * 3 /usr/bin/php7.3 /var/www/html/root/update/cron.php >> /var/www/html/root/var/log/update.cron.log
0 11 * * 3 /usr/bin/php7.3 /var/www/html/root/bin/magento setup:cron:run >> /var/www/html/root/var/log/setup.cron.log
#~ MAGENTO END d9133c30253161587b8cc6041f13f89ad82e43ff1211994ea3d5d2c68babc079
| Job                                                 | Group          | m    | h    | D | M | WD |
| aggregate_sales_report_bestsellers_data             | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| aggregate_sales_report_coupons_data                 | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| aggregate_sales_report_invoiced_data                | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| aggregate_sales_report_order_data                   | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| aggregate_sales_report_refunded_data                | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| aggregate_sales_report_shipment_data                | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| aggregate_sales_report_tax_data                     | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| analytics_collect_data                              | default        | 00   | 02   | * | * | *  |
| analytics_subscribe                                 | default        | -    | -    | - | - | -  |
| analytics_update                                    | default        | -    | -    | - | - | -  |
| aw_rp_expiration_check                              | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| aw_rp_expiration_reminder                           | default        | 0    | */1  | * | * | *  |
| backend_clean_cache                                 | default        | 30   | 2    | * | * | *  |
| bulk_cleanup                                        | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| captcha_delete_expired_images                       | default        | */10 | *    | * | * | *  |
| captcha_delete_old_attempts                         | default        | */30 | *    | * | * | *  |
| catalog_index_refresh_price                         | default        | 0    | *    | * | * | *  |
| catalog_product_alert                               | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| catalog_product_attribute_value_synchronize         | default        | */5  | *    | * | * | *  |
| catalog_product_flat_indexer_store_cleanup          | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| catalog_product_frontend_actions_flush              | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| catalog_product_outdated_price_values_cleanup       | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| catalogrule_apply_all                               | default        | 0    | 1    | * | * | *  |
| consumers_runner                                    | consumers      | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| currency_rates_update                               | default        | -    | -    | - | - | -  |
| ddg_automation_abandonedcarts                       | ddg_automation | */5  | *    | * | * | *  |
| ddg_automation_campaign                             | ddg_automation | */5  | *    | * | * | *  |
| ddg_automation_catalog_sync                         | ddg_automation | -    | -    | - | - | -  |
| ddg_automation_cleaner                              | ddg_automation | 0    | 0    | 1 | * | *  |
| ddg_automation_customer_subscriber_guest_sync       | ddg_automation | -    | -    | - | - | -  |
| ddg_automation_email_templates                      | ddg_automation | 0    | */6  | * | * | *  |
| ddg_automation_importer                             | ddg_automation | -    | -    | - | - | -  |
| ddg_automation_order_sync                           | ddg_automation | -    | -    | - | - | -  |
| ddg_automation_reviews_and_wishlist                 | ddg_automation | -    | -    | - | - | -  |
| ddg_automation_status                               | ddg_automation | */15 | *    | * | * | *  |
| expired_tokens_cleanup                              | default        | 0    | *    | * | * | *  |
| iceshop_iceimport_job                               | default        | -    | -    | - | - | -  |
| indexer_clean_all_changelogs                        | index          | 0    | *    | * | * | *  |
| indexer_reindex_all_invalid                         | index          | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| indexer_update_all_views                            | index          | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| magento_newrelicreporting_cron                      | default        | */2  | *    | * | * | *  |
| mageplaza_smtp_clear_log                            | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| messagequeue_clean_outdated_locks                   | default        | 0    | *    | * | * | *  |
| mp_cron_search                                      | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| mysqlmq_clean_messages                              | default        | 30   | 6,15 | * | * | *  |
| newsletter_send_all                                 | default        | */5  | *    | * | * | *  |
| outdated_authentication_failures_cleanup            | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| persistent_clear_expired                            | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| sales_clean_orders                                  | default        | 0    | *    | * | * | *  |
| sales_clean_quotes                                  | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| sales_grid_order_async_insert                       | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| sales_grid_order_creditmemo_async_insert            | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| sales_grid_order_invoice_async_insert               | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| sales_grid_order_shipment_async_insert              | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| sales_send_order_creditmemo_emails                  | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| sales_send_order_emails                             | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| sales_send_order_invoice_emails                     | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| sales_send_order_shipment_emails                    | default        | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| scconnector_retrieve_gtag                           | scconnector    | */10 | *    | * | * | *  |
| scconnector_verify_website                          | scconnector    | */10 | *    | * | * | *  |
| security_clean_admin_expired_sessions               | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| security_clean_password_reset_request_event_records | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| sitemap_generate                                    | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| system_backup                                       | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| temando_process_platform_events                     | default        | */15 | *    | * | * | *  |
| visitor_clean                                       | default        | 0    | 0    | * | * | *  |
| yotpo_yotpo_orders_sync                             | yotpo_yotpo    | *    | *    | * | * | *  |
| yotpo_yotpo_update_metadata                         | yotpo_yotpo    | 30   | 2    | * | * | *  |

No hay solución correcta

Otros consejos

are you sure your php executable is called "php7.3" as shown in your cron command line.

Enter whereis php on the command line to find the path and name of the executable, it usually is php

Also your cron should run every minute

* * * * * /path/to/bin/php /path/to/magento2/bin/magento cron:run 2>&1 | grep -v "Ran jobs by schedule" >> /var/www/html/magento2/var/log/magento.cron.log

Yours are running at very erratic times and only once a week...

0 9 * * 2 - At 09:00 on Tuesday
0 10 * * 3 - At 10:00 on Wednesday
0 11 * * 3 - At 11:00 on Wednesday

You should change the cron run time for all three jobs to once every minute

* * * * * /cron/job/...
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