
I can create and reference relative pointers to struct members in C++ using the ::*, .*, and ->* syntax like :

char* fstab_t::*field = &fstab_t::fs_vfstype;
my_fstab.*field = ...

In Haskell, I can easily create temporary labels for record getters like :

(idxF_s,idxL_s) = swap_by_sign sgn (idxF,idxL) ;

Afaik, I cannot however then update records using these getters as labels like :

a { idxF_s = idxL_s b }

Is there an easy way to do this without coding for each record setter?

¿Fue útil?


A getter and setter bundled together in a first-class value is referred to as a lens. There are quite a few packages for doing this; the most popular are data-lens and fclabels. This previous SO question is a good introduction.

Both of those libraries support deriving lenses from record definitions using Template Haskell (with data-lens, it's provided as an additional package for portability). Your example would be expressed as (using data-lens syntax):

setL idxF_s (b ^. idL_s) a

(or equivalently: idxF_s ^= (b ^. idL_s) $ a)

You can, of course, transform lenses in a generic way by transforming their getter and setter together:

-- I don't know what swap_by_sign is supposed to do.
negateLens :: (Num b) => Lens a b -> Lens a b
negateLens l = lens get set
    get = negate . getL l
    set = setL l . negate

(or equivalently: negateLens l = iso negate negate . l1)

In general, I would recommend using lenses whenever you have to deal with any kind of non-trivial record handling; not only do they vastly simplify pure transformation of records, but both packages contain convenience functions for accessing and modifying a state monad's state using lenses, which is incredibly useful. (For data-lens, you'll want to use the data-lens-fd package to use these convenience functions in any MonadState; again, they're in a separate package for portability.)

1 When using either package, you should start your modules with:

import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category

This is because they use generalised forms of the Prelude's id and (.) functions — id can be used as the lens from any value to itself (not all that useful, admittedly), and (.) is used to compose lenses (e.g. getL (fieldA . fieldB) a is the same as getL fieldA . getL fieldB $ a). The shorter negateLens definition uses this.

Otros consejos

What you want here is first-class record labels, and while this does not exist in the language, there are several packages on Hackage which implement this pattern. One of these is fclabels, which can use Template Haskell to generate the required boilerplate for you. Here's an example:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Control.Category
import Data.Label
import Prelude hiding ((.))

data Foo = Foo { _fieldA :: Int, _fieldB :: Int }
  deriving (Show)

$(mkLabels [''Foo])

main = do
  let foo = Foo 2 3

  putStrLn "Pick a field, A or B"
  line <- getLine

  let field = (if line == "A" then fieldA else fieldB)

  print $ modify field (*10) foo
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