
I keep getting a FormatException in each of the cases on the line where I try to assign the value for the sale variable. Anyone know what I am doing wrong? I am supposed to make this console program as homework to learn about loops, but I am finding out more about other things. It is supposed to keep a running tab of salesperson's commission based a a 10% commission of each sale. Anyways, here is the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace TubSales
   class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
         char initial;
         const double COMM_INT = 0.10;
         double sale, aComm = 0, bComm = 0, eComm = 0;
         Console.Write("Enter 'A' for Andrea, 'B' for Brittany,\n'E' for Eric, or 'Z' to quit >> ");
         initial = Convert.ToChar(Console.Read());
         while (initial != 'z' && initial != 'Z')
            switch (initial)
               case 'a':
               case 'A':
                  Console.Write("Enter the sales for Andrea >> ");
                  sale = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                  aComm = aComm + COMM_INT * sale;
               case 'b':
               case 'B':
                  Console.Write("Enter the sales for Brittany >> ");
                  sale = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                  bComm = bComm + COMM_INT * sale;
               case 'e':
               case 'E':
                  Console.Write("Enter the sales for Eric >> ");
                  sale = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                  eComm = eComm + COMM_INT * sale;
                  Console.WriteLine("You did not enter a valid initial");
            Console.Write("Enter 'A' for Andrea, 'B' for Brittany, or 'E' for Eric >> ");
            initial = (char)Console.Read();
         Console.WriteLine("Andrea had {0}, Brittany had {1}, and Eric had {2} in commissions.", aComm.ToString("C"), bComm.ToString("C"), eComm.ToString("C"));
         Console.Write("Press any key to exit... ");
¿Fue útil?


While Reed's answers is great, it's not the problem here.

What really happens is the same situation as this one

Console.Read only read the "Second part of the carriage return" and returns "". This is why the Convert fails.


initial = Convert.ToChar(Console.Read());


initial = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());

Otros consejos

I keep getting a FormatException in each of the cases on the line where I try to assign the value for the sale variable. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

The Convert.ToDouble method will raise a FormatException if the string (returned from Console.ReadLine()) is not a valid number.

Typically, if you want to parse user input, it's a better idea to use Double.TryParse instead, as this lets you determine whether the input was a valid number without catching the exception.

This would normally look something like:

Console.Write("Enter the sales for Andrea >> ");
while (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out sale))
    Console.WriteLine("Value entered was not a valid number.");
    Console.Write("Enter the sales for Andrea >> ");
// Once you get here, "sale" will be set appropriately


initial = Convert.ToChar(Console.Read());


initial = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine().FirstOrDefault());
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