
I have this file structured svn directory and file: enter image description here

When I try to see repo browser:

enter image description here

Tortoise can easly find the url of this folder: enter image description here

I wonder that how tortoise got the url of the folder where I clicked to see in Repo Browser?


Tortoise SVN 1.8+
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I just ran c:\DirectoryOfMyProjectWhicHasHiddenSvnFolder>svn info Result:

enter image description here

Otros consejos

In .SVN folder ws.db file which contain all the information, It's in Sqlite format.

You can open it using any SQLite tool. I have used Sqlite firefox plugin.

Goto table Repository and read 'ROOT'.

enter image description here

That information is stored in your working copy in .svn folder (for SVN 1.6 there is .svn folder in every folder of your working copy; for SVN 1.7 it's only at the top level).

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