
I converted from resque to sidekiq gem for my ruby on rails app to have less memory usage and faster response times.

The problem:

  • one of my workers has an error and unlike resque-web the sidekiq-web does not show full details on the error ( like line number and cause of error )
  • I'm unable to properly debug my workers, is there a workaround for this? In terminal I just get something like


  2012-07-12T13:26:19Z 64455 TID-ousyenaqg WARN: undefined method `perform' for #<BookInit:0x007f8c6f73f520>

More precise errors are a must have!

¿Fue útil?


try change

def self.perform(params...)


def perform(params...)

Otros consejos

Add the next code to a rake task, and then debug it like you used to do with resque

require 'sidekiq'
require 'sidekiq/cli'

desc 'Runs Sidekiq as a rake task'
task :debug_sidekiq => :environment do
    cli = Sidekiq::CLI.instance
  rescue => e
    raise e if $DEBUG
    STDERR.puts e.message
    STDERR.puts e.backtrace.join("\n")
    exit 1

The code is taken from sidekiq/bin/sidekiq

Debugging Sidekiq With Pry :

Normally, the Sidekiq server will not start Pry when executing the statements.

You can use Sidekiq inline infrastructure for debugging Sidekiq with pry:

The Sidekiq inline infrastructure overrides perform_async and it actually calls perform instead of perform_async. This allows workers to be run inline in a testing environment.

You need to add the following to your code :

require 'sidekiq'
require 'sidekiq/testing/inline'

Now Pry will be able to call the perform method.

Note : This won't help you if you have to run jobs in threaded environment to test concurrency or performance.

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