
I like to list all drugs that start with some letter to fill autocomplete text box.Here is the code

public string[] GetCompletionList(string prefixText)
    string rdfDat = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "DrugRDF.rdf";

        List<string> list = new List<string>();
        TripleStore store = new TripleStore();
        Graph rdf = new Graph();
        FileLoader.Load(rdf, rdfDat, new RdfXmlParser());
        string tmp = "^" + prefixText;
        string sparqlQuery = "PREFIX  mojLek: <>"
            + "PREFIX xsd: <>"
            + "PREFIX rdf: <>"
            + "PREFIX rdfs: <>"
            + "SELECT  ?x"
            + "WHERE {?h mojLek:ime ?x ."
            + "FILTER regex(str(?x),"+tmp+")            }";

        SparqlQueryParser sparqlParser = new SparqlQueryParser();
        SparqlQuery query = sparqlParser.ParseFromString(sparqlQuery);
        Object results = store.ExecuteQuery(query);
        if (results is SparqlResultSet)
            SparqlResultSet r = results as SparqlResultSet;

            foreach (SparqlResult res in r)


        return list.ToArray();


However if I try it with for example A there are already couples that starts with A I got this error

VDS.RDF.Parsing.RdfParseException: [Line 1 Column 263] The value &#39;A&#39; is not valid as a QName

at VDS.RDF.Parsing.Tokens.SparqlTokeniser.TryGetQNameOrKeyword()

at VDS.RDF.Parsing.Tokens.SparqlTokeniser.GetNextToken() at VDS.RDF.Parsing.Tokens.TokenQueue.InitialiseBuffer() at VDS.RDF.Parsing.SparqlQueryParser.ParseInternal(SparqlQueryParserContext context) at VDS.RDF.Parsing.SparqlQueryParser.ParseInternal(TextReader input) at VDS.RDF.Parsing.SparqlQueryParser.ParseFromString(String queryString) at SuggestWebService.GetCompletionList(String prefixText) in d:\Suggest\App_Code\SuggestWebService.cs:line 57

¿Fue útil?


Put newlines in the query string to make the error messages better.

There are no SPARQL quotes at




which puts single quotes into the SPARQL. Be careful of any quotes in tmp.

Otros consejos

I have changed my code in this way so it worked for me

        string tmp="^"+prefixText;
        var query = "PREFIX  mojLek: <>"
            + "PREFIX xsd: <>"
            + "PREFIX rdf: <>"
            + "PREFIX rdfs: <>"
            + "PREFIX fn: <>"
            + "SELECT  ?x ?h"
            + "WHERE {?h mojLek:ime ?x ."
            + "FILTER regex(?x,\""+tmp+"\")"
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