In Liferay 6.1, is it possible to search by date only on a datetime field for a ServiceBuilder portlet?


  •  28-06-2021
  •  | 


I have created a portlet, via Service Builder, that stores some user data, as well as a date.

relevant portion of my service.xml file

<entity name="ServiceAgreement" local-service="true" remote-service="false">
    <column name="agreementId" type="long" primary="true"></column>
    <column name="agreementVersion" type="double"></column>
    <column name="userId" type="long"></column>
    <column name="agreementTimestamp" type="Date"></column><!-- column w/ the trouble -->
    <column name="groupId" type="long"></column>
    <column name="companyId" type="long"></column>
    <order by="asc">
        <order-column name="agreementTimestamp"></order-column>
    <finder name="G_AT" return-type="Collection">
        <finder-column name="groupId"></finder-column>
        <finder-column name="agreementTimestamp"></finder-column>
    <finder name="SignedDate" return-type="Collection">
        <finder-column name="agreementTimestamp"></finder-column>

I am currently writing another portlet that will be a reporting portlet for the data stored in this first portlet.

The trouble I'm having is when I perform a search by date, using the tag, I am not getting any responses from the DB for dates that I know are in there. I have tracked the problem down to the fact that they 'findbysignedDate' method that ServiceBuilder built, searching by date, down to the millisecond!

The record I want to retrieve: Record to be retrieved For example, my reporting portlet contains:

int month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("dateMonth"));
int day = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("dateDay"));
int year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("dateYear"));
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
cal.set(year, month, day);
Date signedDate = cal.getTime();

try {
   if(signedDate == null || signedDate.getTime() < 0) {
     throw new PortalException("Invalid date input provided.");
} else {
    _log.debug("Signed Date: " + signedDate.toString());

    //get TOS data
    JSONArray tosArray = LiferayHelper.getTOSsBySignedDate(signedDate);

And nothing is returned in 'tosArray'. However, if I write it like this:

int month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("dateMonth"));
int day = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("dateDay"));
int year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("dateYear"));
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
cal.set(year, month, day,18,49,15); //getting REALLY specific here...
cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 958);
Date signedDate = cal.getTime();

try {
   if(signedDate == null || signedDate.getTime() < 0) {
     throw new PortalException("Invalid date input provided.");
} else {
    _log.debug("Signed Date: " + signedDate.toString());

    //get TOS data
    JSONArray tosArray = LiferayHelper.getTOSsBySignedDate(signedDate);

Then tosArray contains the correct data.

I just want to pull back all data for a single day (24-hour period). Does anyone know if there is a built-in way around this? Or do I need to rewrite my service.xml file? Am I stuck having to write my own search method?


¿Fue útil?


The answer is to use the custom queries that Service Builder will build for you. Found this at the end of Chapter 7 of Liferay in Action.

A brief overview is available on the Liferay site.

Just be aware of the strict naming convention contract that Liferay enforces for these Finders. I struggled for almost a whole day trying to get service generator to automatically build my new finder classes, only to discover that it was failing because I didn't name my finder what Service Builder was expecting.

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