
I have the following definition of fixed-length-vectors using ghcs extensions GADTs, TypeOperators and DataKinds:

data Vec n a where
    T    :: Vec VZero a
    (:.) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (VSucc n) a 

infixr 3 :.

data VNat  =  VZero |  VSucc VNat  -- ... promoting Kind VNat

type T1 = VSucc VZero
type T2 = VSucc T1

and the following defiition of a TypeOperator :+:

type family (n::VNat) :+ (m::VNat) :: VNat 
type instance VZero :+ n = n
type instance VSucc n :+ m = VSucc (n :+ m)

For my whole intented library to make sense, I need to apply a fixed-length-vector-function of type (Vec n b)->(Vec m b) to the inial part of a longer vector Vec (n:+k) b. Let's call that function prefixApp. It should have type

prefixApp :: ((Vec n b)->(Vec m b)) -> (Vec (n:+k) b) -> (Vec (m:+k) b)

Here's an example application with the fixed-length-vector-function change2 defined like this:

change2 :: Vec T2 a -> Vec T2 a
change2 (x :. y :. T) = (y :. x :. T)

prefixApp should be able to apply change2 to the prefix of any vector of length >=2, e.g.

Vector> prefixApp change2 (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. 4:. T)
(2 :. 1 :. 3 :. 4 :. T)

Has anyone any idea how to implement prefixApp? (The problem is, that a part of the type of the fixed-length-vector-function has to be used to grab the prefix of the right size...)

Edit: Daniel Wagners (very clever!) solution seems to have worked with some release candidate of ghc 7.6 (not an official release!). IMHO it shouldnt work, however, for 2 reasons:

  1. The type-declaration for prefixApp lacks an VNum m in the context (for prepend (f b) to typecheck correctly.
  2. Even more problematic: ghc 7.4.2 does not assume the TypeOperator :+ to be injective in its first argument (nor the second, but thats not essential here), which leads to a type error: from the type-declaration, we know that vec must have type Vec (n:+k) a and the type-checker infers for the expression split vec on the right-hand side of the definition a type of Vec (n:+k0) a. But: the type-checker cannot infer that k ~ k0 (since there is no assurance that :+ is injective).

Does anyone know a solution to this second issue? How can I declare :+ to be injective in its first argument and/or how can I avoid running into this issue at all?

¿Fue útil?


Here is a version where split is not in a type class. Here we build a singleton type for natural numbers (SN), which enables to pattern match on `n' in the definition of split'. This extra argument can then be hidden by the use of a type class (ToSN).

The type Tag is used to manually specify the non-inferred arguments.

(this answer has been co-authored with Daniel Gustafsson)

Here is the code:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, DataKinds, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Vec where
data VNat = VZero | VSucc VNat  -- ... promoting Kind VNat

data Vec n a where
    T    :: Vec VZero a
    (:.) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (VSucc n) a·

infixr 3 :.

type T1 = VSucc VZero
type T2 = VSucc T1

data Tag (n::VNat) = Tag

data SN (n::VNat) where
  Z :: SN VZero
  S :: SN n -> SN (VSucc n)

class ToSN (n::VNat) where
  toSN :: SN n

instance ToSN VZero where
  toSN = Z

instance ToSN n => ToSN (VSucc n) where
  toSN = S toSN

type family (n::VNat) :+ (m::VNat) :: VNat
type instance VZero :+ n = n
type instance VSucc n :+ m = VSucc (n :+ m)

split' :: SN n -> Tag m -> Vec (n :+ m) a -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
split' Z     _ xs = (T , xs)
split' (S n) _ (x :. xs) = let (as , bs) = split' n Tag xs in (x :. as , bs)

split :: ToSN n => Tag m -> Vec (n :+ m) a -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
split = split' toSN

append :: Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec (n :+ m) a
append T ys = ys
append (x :. xs) ys = x :. append xs ys

prefixChange :: forall a m n k. ToSN n => (Vec n a -> Vec m a) -> Vec (n :+ k) a -> Vec (m :+ k) a
prefixChange f xs = let (as , bs) = split (Tag :: Tag k) xs in append (f as) bs

Otros consejos

Make a class:

class VNum (n::VNat) where
    split   :: Vec (n:+m) a -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
    prepend :: Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec (n:+m) a

instance VNum VZero where
    split     v = (T, v)
    prepend _ v = v

instance VNum n => VNum (VSucc n) where
    split   (x :. xs)   = case split xs of (b, e) -> (x :. b, e)
    prepend (x :. xs) v = x :. prepend xs v

prefixApp :: VNum n => (Vec n a -> Vec m a) -> (Vec (n:+k) a -> (Vec (m:+k) a))
prefixApp f vec = case split vec of (b, e) -> prepend (f b) e

If you can live with a slightly different type of prefixApp:

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, DataKinds, TypeFamilies #-}

import qualified Data.Foldable as F

data VNat  =  VZero |  VSucc VNat  -- ... promoting Kind VNat

type T1 = VSucc VZero
type T2 = VSucc T1
type T3 = VSucc T2

type family (n :: VNat) :+ (m :: VNat) :: VNat
type instance VZero :+ n = n
type instance VSucc n :+ m = VSucc (n :+ m)

type family (n :: VNat) :- (m :: VNat) :: VNat
type instance n :- VZero = n
type instance VSucc n :- VSucc m = n :- m

data Vec n a where
    T    :: Vec VZero a
    (:.) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (VSucc n) a 

infixr 3 :.

-- Just to define Show for Vec
instance F.Foldable (Vec n) where
    foldr _ b T = b
    foldr f b (a :. as) = a `f` F.foldr f b as

instance Show a => Show (Vec n a) where
    show = show . F.foldr (:) []

class Splitable (n::VNat) where
    split :: Vec k b -> (Vec n b, Vec (k:-n) b)

instance Splitable VZero where
    split r = (T,r)

instance Splitable n => Splitable (VSucc n) where
    split (x :. xs) =
        let (xs' , rs) = split xs
        in ((x :. xs') , rs)

append :: Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec (n:+m) a
append T r = r
append (l :. ls) r = l :. append ls r

prefixApp :: Splitable n => (Vec n b -> Vec m b) -> Vec k b -> Vec (m:+(k:-n)) b
prefixApp f v = let (v',rs) = split v in append (f v') rs

-- A test
inp :: Vec (T2 :+ T3) Int
inp = 1 :. 2 :. 3 :. 4:. 5 :. T

change2 :: Vec T2 a -> Vec T2 a
change2 (x :. y :. T) = (y :. x :. T)

test = prefixApp change2 inp -- -> [2,1,3,4,5]

In fact, your original signature can also be used (with augmented context):

prefixApp :: (Splitable n, (m :+ k) ~ (m :+ ((n :+ k) :- n))) =>
             ((Vec n b)->(Vec m b)) -> (Vec (n:+k) b) -> (Vec (m:+k) b)
prefixApp f v = let (v',rs) = split v in append (f v') rs

Works in 7.4.1

Upd: Just for fun, the solution in Agda:

data Nat : Set where
  zero : Nat
  succ : Nat -> Nat

_+_ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
zero + r = r
succ n + r = succ (n + r)

data _*_ (A B : Set) : Set where
  _,_ : A -> B -> A * B

data Vec (A : Set) : Nat -> Set where
  [] : Vec A zero
  _::_ : {n : Nat} -> A -> Vec A n -> Vec A (succ n)

split : {A : Set}{k n : Nat} -> Vec A (n + k) -> (Vec A n) * (Vec A k)
split {_} {_} {zero} v = ([] , v)
split {_} {_} {succ _} (h :: t) with split t
... | (l , r) = ((h :: l) , r)

append : {A : Set}{n m : Nat} -> Vec A n -> Vec A m -> Vec A (n + m)
append [] r = r
append (h :: t) r with append t r
... | tr = h :: tr

prefixApp : {A : Set}{n m k : Nat} -> (Vec A n -> Vec A m) -> Vec A (n + k) -> Vec A (m + k)
prefixApp f v with split v
... | (l , r) = append (f l) r
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