
Can someone help with an example of how to use external files(css,Javascript and images) in Kohana 3.2.2

¿Fue útil?


Here is what I did: in /classes/controller/hello.php

    <?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No Direct Script Access');

     Class Controller_Hello extends Controller_Template

      public $template = 'site'; // Default template

       public function action_index()
         $this->template->styles = array('media/css/style.css'=>'screen');

         //$this->template->scripts = array('assets/js/jqtest.js');


      public function before()

         // Initialize empty values

          $this->template->styles = array();
          $this->template->scripts = array();



        * Fill in default values for our properties before rendering the output.
     public function after()
      // Define defaults
       $styles = array('media/css/style.css' => 'screen');
       //$scripts = array(‘');

      // Add defaults to template variables.


       //$this->template->scripts =array_reverse(array_merge
        ($this->template->scripts, $scripts));
       // Run anything that needs to run after this.



And then in your view,you just need to use this /application/views/site.php

       foreach($styles as $file => $type)
       echo HTML::style($file, array('media' => $type)), ""; 


To add an image to your view

    <li class="social"><?php echo html::image('media/images/phone.png');?>

Otros consejos

Depends on if you want to run them through your controller or not. An example controller if you wanted to load media files using HMVC.


class Controller_Media extends Controller {

    protected $config = NULL;

    public function before()

        $this->config = Kohana::$config->load('media');


    public function action_css()

    public function action_js()

    public function action_img()
        $image = $this->config['images']['directory'].$this->request->param('path');
        $extension = $this->find_image_extension($image);


    protected function handle_request($action, $path, $extension)
        $config_key = Inflector::plural($action);
        $file = $this->config[$config_key]['directory'].$path;

        if ($this->find_file($file, $extension))
            $this->serve_file($file, $extension);

    protected function find_file($file, $extension)
        $path_parts = pathinfo($file);
        return Kohana::find_file('media', $path_parts['dirname']."/".$path_parts['filename'], $extension);

    protected function find_image_extension($file)
        foreach ($this->config['images']['extension'] as $extension)
            if ($this->find_file($file, $extension) !== FALSE)
                return $extension;

        return FALSE;

    protected function serve_file($file, $extension)
        $path = $this->find_file($file, $extension);

        $this->response->headers('Content-Type', File::mime_by_ext($extension));
        $this->response->headers('Content-Length', (string) filesize($path));
        $this->response->headers('Cache-Control','max-age=86400, public');
        $this->response->headers('Expires', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time() + 86400));

    protected function error()
        throw new HTTP_Exception_404('File :file not found.', array(
            ':file' => $this->request->param('path', NULL),



return array(
    'styles' => array(
        'directory'       => 'css/',
        'extension'       => 'css',
    'scripts' => array(
        'directory'       => 'js/',
        'extension'       => 'js',
    'images' => array(
        'directory'       => 'img/',
        'extension'       => array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'ico', 'svg'),


Route::set('media', 'media/<action>(/<path>)', array(
        'path' => '.*?',
        'controller' => 'media',
        'action' => 'index',

Your default .htaccess should handle anything in your root directory without any additional code.

--> application/
--> modules/
--> system
--> css/
--> scripts/

Anything called from will properly look in css/ because of the .htaccess rule to look for existing files/folder first and then load the index.php from Kohana.

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