
I am not sure what is going on. I've done exhausted searching for an answer. I thought it was processData but the ajax won't fire off in that case. I can't for the life of me figure out what is going on.

I am trying to send data via POST, ajax.

Because of how my data is set up, in page, I can actually create a hash and push it into an array. So I have something like.

The data I am forming looks like this:

in my init func, I set up some vars.

this.dataHolder = [];

in a method in my plugin:

                var item = {};
                item[this.schema.itemId] =
                             "Color" : this.schema.color,
                             "Size" : this.schema.size,
                              "Cost"    : this.schema.cost

               return item;

basically I have some other methods and such, but the jist is that that data structure above gets put into: this.dataHolder

when I dump the data, looks like it should. Various console.logs thruout the code shows me the data is well formed etc.. BUT when I pass it into the ajax data.. it does wonky things.

When I have my ajax.. ala:

 var self = this;
  type: "POST",
  data : {matchedItems : self.dataHolder},
  dataType: json,
  url : /some/path/

I tried soo many different things, and in all cases the data is either undefined (when I Post it) OR its in a weird format, like: (in logs)

  $VAR1 = {

      'matchedItems[0][itemid1][Color]' => 'Blue',
      'matchedItems[0][itemid1][Size]' => '11',
      'matchedItems[0][itemid1][Cost]' => '33.90',
      'matchedItems[1][itemid2][Color][]' => 'Silver',
      'matchedItems[1][itemid2][Size]' => '13',
      'matchedItems[1][itemid2][Cost]' => '44',
      'matchedItems[2][itemid3][Color][]' => 'Red',
      'matchedItems[2][itemid3][Size]' => '9',
      'matchedItems[2][itemid3][Cost]' => '23'

or different permutations

data : MatchedItems : {self.dataHolder}


data : {MatchedItems : {self.dataHolder}}

etc.. doesn't matter, the POST always gets some really odd formatting.

This is the way it should look when I send it and how they receive it.

matchedIeds = {
          itemId1 :
              Color : Red,
              Size : 11,
              Cost    : 44
          itemId2 :
              Color : Blue,
              Size : 8,
              Cost    : 12
          itemId3 :
              Color : Blue,
              Size : 19,
              Cost    : 88.09

I mean, I am setting up my data like that so I can't see what is wrong.

Note: I tried processData : false, but that didn't help at all.

EDIT: Here is the code console.log'd out write before I pass it into the .ajax method. Console.log

[Object { itemid1={...}}, Object { itemid2={...}}, Object { itemid3={...}}]

Here it is in the params of the post: jquery.js (line 641) POST http://www.myurl/to/test

200 OK 79ms
jquery.js (line 7829)


undefined   undefined
undefined   undefined
undefined   undefined

No hay solución correcta

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