
Tenemos una aplicación basada en la plataforma de cliente rico de Netbeans.

El comportamiento predeterminado es que solo se puede ejecutar una instancia del software, y esto puede anularse especificando un directorio de usuario diferente como argumento al iniciar la aplicación.

¿Hay alguna alternativa a esto? Nuestros clientes confían en poder ejecutar varias instancias de la aplicación.

(Preferiríamos si no tuviéramos que implementar nuestro propio lanzador que examina el directorio de usuario de netbeans para ver si hay bloqueos que pasen a los directorios de usuario alternativos)

¿Existe una forma incorporada en el RCP de Netbeans para admitir fácilmente múltiples instancias?

saludos / B

¿Fue útil?


Por lo tanto, al no poder encontrar una manera adecuada de hacer esto (parece que estará disponible con nb 7 a través de un nuevo parámetro de entrada del iniciador), mi compañero de trabajo lo implementó de una manera un tanto pirateada.

Él creó una clase principal alternativa, que verifica y manipula la propiedad user-dir para que cada instancia tenga su propio directorio de usuario.

Todavía me sorprende que netbeans no tenga esta funcionalidad!


import org.netbeans.Main;

 * Launches Netbeans Rich Client Platform application where mulitple instances of 
 * the application can run simultaneously for the same user.
 * <p>
 * Netbeans does not allow to run several instances of an application for the same 
 * user simultaneously, but this class does the job by fooling Netbeans.
 * If an instance is already running then a new folder is created and used for this instance.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This is quite tricky and this class is indeed a hack to override Netbeans behaviour.
 * An example makes it a little easier to understand, when application is first started 
 * Netbeans userdir is set from a configuration file like {@code etc/xxxxx.conf} to something like:<br>
 * {@code /home/username/.xxxxx/dev/} which includes a lock file.
 * <br>
 * If application is started again then this lock file is checked and Netbeans tries to connect to the other instance through a socket.
 * This class does the trick by never using this folder but instead creating unique directories for each instance like:<br>
 * {@code /home/username/.xxxxx/instance_01/netbeans/}<br>
 * {@code /home/username/.xxxxx/instance_02/netbeans/}<br>
 * {@code /home/username/.xxxxx/instance_03/netbeans/}<br>
 * ...
 * </p>
public class MultipleInstancesMain
    /** Key for Netbeans default user dir */
    private static final String NETBEANS_USER = "netbeans.user";

    /** Argument to Netbeans for alternate user dir */
    private static final String USERDIR_ARG = "--userdir";

    /** Like "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\.xxxxx" or "/home/username/.xxxxx" */
    private static final File MAIN_DIR = getMainDir();

    /** Sub dir of MAIN_DIR for each instance of application */
    private static final String INSTANCE_DIR = "instance";

    /** Sub dir of INSTANCE_DIR where netbeans stores it's settings, logs and cache */
    private static final String NETBEANS_SUBDIR = "netbeans";

    /** Name of Netbeans lock file inside of NETBEANS_SUBDIR */
    private static final String LOCKFILE = "lock";

    /** Max number of instance directories we allow */
    private static final int MAX_DIR_COUNT = 999;

    /** Padding of instance dir */
    private static final String PAD = "000";
    private static final int PAD_LENGTH = PAD.length();

     * Lock file could be present even though application is not running (after crash).
     * So we treat it as "dead" after some time, to prevent "dead directories".
    private static final long LOCKFILE_MAX_AGE_IN_MILLIS = 1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L * 30L; // 30 days

     * Launches application with multiple instances support.
     * @param args command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        // Get directory for this instance
        String[] userDir = new String[2];
        userDir[0] = USERDIR_ARG;
        userDir[1] = getNetbeansDir();

        // Remove default dir and set this class not to run again

        // Start Netbeans again with new userdir and default main class
        startNetbeans(args, userDir);

     * Starts Netbeans.
     * @param oldArgs command line arguments
     * @param newArgs new arguments added
    private static void startNetbeans(String[] oldArgs, String[] newArgs)  throws Exception
        String[] args = new String[oldArgs.length + newArgs.length];

        for (int i = 0; i <oldArgs.length; i++)
            args[i] = oldArgs[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < newArgs.length; i++)
            args[oldArgs.length + i] = newArgs[i];


     * @return the directory that Netbeans will use for this instance of the application 
    private static String getNetbeansDir()
        for(int i = 1; i <= MAX_DIR_COUNT; i++)
            File instanceDir = getSuffixedInstanceDir(i);
            if (isLockFileFree(instanceDir))
                File dirToUse = new File(instanceDir, NETBEANS_SUBDIR);
                return dirToUse.getAbsolutePath();

        // This would probably never happen, but we don't want an eternal loop above
        String errorMessage = String.format("Unable to find Netbeans userdir, %s dirs checked in '%s'", 
                MAX_DIR_COUNT, MAIN_DIR.getAbsolutePath());
        throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);

    private static File getSuffixedInstanceDir(int count)
        String suffix = PAD + count;
        suffix = suffix.substring(suffix.length() - PAD_LENGTH);
        File suffixedDir = new File(MAIN_DIR, INSTANCE_DIR + "_" + suffix);
        return suffixedDir;

     * Checks is if Netbeans lock file is free.
     * @param instanceDir directory to look for Netbeans directory and lock file in 
     * @return true if {@code instanceDir} does not have a Netbeans folder with a occupied lock file
    private static boolean isLockFileFree(File instanceDir)
        File netbeansDir = new File(instanceDir, NETBEANS_SUBDIR);
        File lockFile = new File(netbeansDir, LOCKFILE);

        if (lockFile.exists())
            return deleteLockFileIfOldEnough(lockFile);
            return true;

     * Deletes the lock file if it's old enough.
     * @param lockFile lock file to delete
     * @return true if it was deleted
    private static boolean deleteLockFileIfOldEnough(File lockFile)
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long fileCreated = lockFile.lastModified();
        long ageInMillis = currentTime - fileCreated;

        if (ageInMillis > LOCKFILE_MAX_AGE_IN_MILLIS)
            return lockFile.delete();
            return false;

     * Netbeans is started with a default userdir, but we need to have a unique dir for each instance.
     * Main dir is the directory where directories of all instances are.
     * @return main directory in users home area where application settings, logs and cache is stored
    private static File getMainDir()
        String defaultNetbeansDir = System.getProperty(NETBEANS_USER);
        File mainDir = new File(defaultNetbeansDir).getParentFile();
        return mainDir;

     * Since we don't use default Netbeans dir at all, we remove it completely.
    private static void deleteDefaultNetbeansDir()
        File defaultNetbeansDir = new File(System.getProperty(NETBEANS_USER));
        Thread t = new Thread(new DirectoryDeleter(defaultNetbeansDir), "NetbeansDirDeleter");

     * There are unpredictable behaviour when deleting Netbeans default directory, sometime it succeeds and sometimes not.
     * But after some attempts it always succeeds, by deleting it in the background it will eventually be deleted.
     * @author username
    private static class DirectoryDeleter implements Runnable
        private static final long SLEEP_TIME = 3000;
        private final File dirToDelete;

        DirectoryDeleter(File dirToDelete)
            this.dirToDelete = dirToDelete;

         * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
        public void run()
                catch (InterruptedException e)
                    // No idea to do anything here, should never happen anyway...

         * Deletes a file or directory
         * @param dirFile directory or file to delete
         * @return true if deletion succeeded
        private boolean deleteDirOrFile(File dirFile)
            if (dirFile.isDirectory())
                for (File f : dirFile.listFiles())
                    boolean deleted = deleteDirOrFile(f);
                    if (!deleted)
                        return false;

            // The directory is now empty so delete it
            return dirFile.delete();

Otros consejos

Soy el misterioso desarrollador que escribió la clase MultipleInstancesMain arriba =)

Como respuesta a las preguntas de Swati Sharma y uvaraj arriba, estas notas pueden ayudar:

(1) La clase principal alternativa anterior debería funcionar para aplicaciones creadas en Netbeans Platform 6.5.1 (lo hacemos), otras versiones que no conozco.

(2) Mantenemos esta clase en un pequeño proyecto creado por el script de compilación principal build.xml de nuestra aplicación (el que se encuentra en el módulo "suite"). El archivo se copia a la carpeta / [appname] / modules / (por lo tanto, está en la ruta de clase Netbeans)

(3) El proyecto separado NO puede ser un módulo de Netbeans, supongo que habrá dependencia cíclica o el cargador de clases de Netbeans no puede manejarlo o algo así.

(4) Luego, nuestra aplicación se inicia agregando un parámetro al archivo de configuración /[appname?/etc/.conf :


Espero que ayude // Uhl & # 233; n

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