
I'm trying to update user password using password_confirmation to confirm it.

However, I can't find a way to correctly update my password, I set password with password= and password_confirmation= but when I watch changed? results, it always return false.

Any suggestion on how to solve this issue? Here is my code (change_password is called in a controller, params are correctly passed I've seen them with print):

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  belongs_to :organization

  # Setup accessible (or protected) attributes for your model
  attr_accessible :email, :password, :organization_id, :note, :role

  validates :email, :uniqueness => true
  validates :role,  :inclusion => { :in => Rails.configuration.available_roles }

  def change_password!(pswd)
    password = pswd
    password_confirmation = pswd
    return changed? && save

  def change_password(old_pswd, pswd, confirm_pswd)
    return false, 'Old password is incorrect' if !valid_password?(old_pswd, true)
    password = pswd
    password_confirmation = confirm_pswd
    # update_attributes([user: [password: pswd, password_confirmation: confirm_pswd]])
    print "--------- #{old_pswd} #{pswd} #{confirm_pswd} #{changed?.to_s} ------------"
    return changed? && save, 'New and confirm password are not correcty'
¿Fue útil?


You need to use self. when setting attributes (which are actually 'setter' helper methods) - otherwise ruby thinks you are creating new local variables:

self.password = pswd
self.password_confirmation = pswd
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