
I worked a lot in it and can't find a solution. Even the title can't explain clearly.

I have three values weight, quantity and total

I had done the following

float wq = [[weightarray objectAtIndex:selectedint]floatValue];
float q = [quantity floatValue];
float total = wq * q;

for ex, if

[weightarray objectAtIndex:selectedint] = @"3.14";
quantity = 4;

then the result is

wq = 3.140000  q= 4.000000 total = 12.560000

but I need

wq = 3.14 total = 12.56   

what to do? I searched a lot, someone suggests to use NSDecimal,

NSDecimalNumberHandler *roundingBehavior = [NSDecimalNumberHandler decimalNumberHandlerWithRoundingMode:NSRoundPlain scale:2 raiseOnExactness:FALSE raiseOnOverflow:TRUE raiseOnUnderflow:TRUE raiseOnDivideByZero:TRUE];

but the scale is not 2 here, wq value may have 3 or four numbers after point.

If the total = 2.30000100 means I need total = 2.300001 how to solve this?

¿Fue útil?

Solución 2

There may be a more direct way to achieve it (which I don't know) but here's a suggestion...

  1. Convert to string as you already do.
  2. Use [myString hasSuffix:@"0"] to see if it ends in zero.
  3. Use [myString substringToindex:[myString length]-1] to create a new string without the final zero.
  4. Repeat.

I know it's not elegant, but unless someone has a better solution, this will at least do what you want.

UPDATE: scratch that - I just discovered [myString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:set]. Surely this must be what you need...?

Otros consejos

I'm not entirely sure what it is your asking for, but it seems as if you want the values to only display a 2 d.p. In which case you could use a string format like so:

    NSString *output = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"float = %.2f", 3.14];

The .2 specifies that the float should be justified to 2 d.p.

Hope this helps

Finally solution found, thanks to Martin

float total = 12.56000;
NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", total];
BOOL success;
success =NO;
    if ([s hasSuffix:@"0"])
       s = [s substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,[s length]-1)];
    else if ([s hasSuffix:@"."])
        s = [s substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,[s length]-1)];
        success = YES;
        success = YES;

if total = 12.560000 it returns total = 12.56

if total = 12.000000 it returns total = 12

if total = 10.000000 it returns total = 10

if total = 12.3000100 it returns total = 12.30001

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