
               <h:form id="myform">
                    <h:panelGrid columns="1" cellpadding="10">
                        <p:selectOneMenu id="suburbs" value="#{cityBean.cityName}" style="width: 200px" >  
                            <f:selectItems value="#{cityBean.cityNames}" style="width: 200px"/> 
                            <p:ajax update="@form"  
                                    listener="#{cityBean.handleCityChange}" />

                        <p:dataTable   style="padding: 20px"  value="#{cityBean.getSchoolList()}" var="school" id="schools"  >  
                            <f:facet name="header">  
                                <p:commandLink async="false" process="@all"  value="#{school.schoolName}"  update=":tabv"  title="View Detail" action="#{cityBean.schoolAction(school.schoolId)}"/> 


When firstly page is opened, there is 3 school in the datalist and all these three links ara working. When I select another city which has 5 schools, only three links are working, two are not working. Is there any solution to this problem?

¿Fue útil?


You are missing the rowKey attribute from the <p:dataTable> component so I am assuming that you are using an earlier version of PrimeFaces like version 2.2.

There were known bugs with older versions of primefaces where ajax events invoked from within a dataTable would not properly update contents of the page.

However more fundamentally the problem could just be simpler than that:

<p:commandLink ... update=":tabv" ... />

You have this commandLink component updating an id that you never provided code for. It would be impossible to say if there isn't something else wrong here. In the meantime I suggest that you try to use Javascript to invoke a click event in a commandLink or commandButton outside of the dataTable to see if that solves your problems. If not then you should consider upgrading to a newer version of PrimeFaces.

Otros consejos

I encountered same problem using dataList. This helped:

<p:dataList type="definition"...
    <f:facet name="description">
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