
I have a COM object. In the main class I made two public members.

    HANDLE                  m_hVoiceData;
    void*                   m_pVoiceData;

They are for mapping a file. I map the file at the instantiation of the COM object.

The main class of the COM object has a private class. From this private class I want to access these public members:

This is how I want to access the mapped file:

memcpy(nEncodedBytes,& CTTSEngObj::m_pVoiceData[iFirstByteToRead], iLenCompressedBytes);

But the compiler does not like this. It says that "A non-static member reference has to be relative to a certain object".

Can anybody please tell me how to do this correctly? I know that making a member public in a main class, but I need to do it because the private class (as mentioned above) also has private classes, and they all need this member to access a certain mapped file.

This is where I map the file:

STDMETHODIMP CTTSEngObj::SetObjectToken(ISpObjectToken * pToken)

HRESULT hr = SpGenericSetObjectToken(pToken, m_cpToken);

//--- Map the voice data so it will be shared among all instances
//  Note: This is a good example of how to memory map and share
//        your voice data across instances.
TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH+1];
GetModuleFileName(_Module.m_hInst, szFileName, MAX_PATH+1);
StrCpy(PathFindFileName(szFileName), _T("data.dat"));

if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
    USES_CONVERSION;//needed to make T2W work
    hr = MapFile( T2W(szFileName), &m_hVoiceData, &m_pVoiceData );

And then

                            REFGUID rguidFormatId,
                            const WAVEFORMATEX * pWaveFormatEx,
                            const SPVTEXTFRAG* pTextFragList,
                            ISpTTSEngineSite* pOutputSite )


//--- Check args
if( SP_IS_BAD_INTERFACE_PTR( pOutputSite ) ||
    SP_IS_BAD_READ_PTR( pTextFragList )  )
    hr = E_INVALIDARG;
    return hr;


m_App is a class. It is a private member of the COM object main class.

This class has subclasses, for example: CTTSEngObj.m_App.SomeSmallClass

And SomeSmallClass needs to access the mapped file.

¿Fue útil?


To access non-static members you need to have an instance of the class. Either make the members static or create an instance, depending on what you need.

In your code m_pVoiceData is an instance member but you try to access it directly from the class CTTSEngObj::m_pVoiceData

this is equivalent to

class A
  int a;
  int b = A.a; //same error

To fix this you either need an instance of CTTSEngObj or m_pVoiceData must be static.

Otros consejos

Static means that the object will only be initilized once and will be the same for every instance of the same class, something like this:

    class A 
    static int a;

    void main()
        A::a = 3; // now a will contain 3 for every instance of the class;
        cout << A::a; //calling the static member without an instance of the class outputs 3
        A someA; //create some instances of the class
        A otherA;

        cout << someA.a; // outputs 3

        someA.a = 7; // assing 7 to a

        cout << otherA.a; // outputs 7 for we modified the value of the static member in another instance

So if you want a to be different for every object you create, you need to set it as non-static and the access it through an existing instance of the class.

Static variables are class specific and member variables are object specific.

  class MyClass
    static int s_ObjectCount;
    unsigned int m_id;
    MyClass(int id):m_id(id)

   static int GetObjectCount()
     return s_ObjectCount;
 int MyClass::s_ObjectCount = 0;

 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  MyClass a(12345);
  MyClass b(123456);
  printf("%d",MyClass::GetObjectCount());// outputs 2
  return 0;

So static variables are used if we have to share some common data among the objects and member variables are specific to objects.

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