
I'm using pygtk and glade (python 2.7 32bit interpreter is the most recent it supports) to make an application for a research department, and that requires grabbing a bunch of data from a weather station's csv output and trying to shelve that data in a dictionary for permanent local storage. However, I can't seem to crawl over the wall of storing the date and time information into a datetime object. No matter how many different ways I try to grab the date and time field (represented as a string ex:"11/13/2012 17:43") and put it into a datetime object, I get the same annoying error:

ValueError: time data '' does not match format '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'

Now for the code in question, it is an event for when a button is clicked on the UI:

def Bupload_clicked(self,widget):
  #Create a file chooser window, with default buttons
  chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Open . .", None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN,
  response =

  if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: 
     with open(chooser.get_filename(), 'rb') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
           for row in reader: #loop through rows of data

              #here is the line of code in question:
              print repr(datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(row[1], "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M") [:5]))

              #rest of code doesn't work until this issue is fixed

        except csv.Error as e:
           sys.exit('file %s, line %d: %s' % (chooser.get_filename(), reader.line_num, e))

I have tried to accomplish this task in quite a few different ways, using similar questions asked all over the web, including switching the '/' for '-', breaking that one line of code into several lines, etc, but nothing seems to fix the issue.

Also, a side question before you think too hard: The python documentation for strptime() says it looks for [01,12] for %m, [00,24] for %H, [01,31] for %d, etc. But the weather station's CSV file leaves out leading 0's. (ex: "2/1/2013 0:43") would this be causing the errors?

Raw data from CSV file (first 5 lines):

1   11/13/2012 17:43    0   -0.2039 0   43.443  40.2    9.4 0   2.82    70.2    4.375
2   11/13/2012 18:43    0   -0.2039 0   36.651  61.1    0.6 0   0   74.4    4.363
3   11/13/2012 19:43    0   -0.1988 0   32.092  76.1    0.6 0   0.56    74.4    4.357
4   11/13/2012 20:43    0   -0.1988 0   31.591  74.5    0.6 0   1.12    92.7    4.357
5   11/13/2012 21:43    0   -0.1988 0   30.326  82.4    0.6 0   0   223.2   4.351

here is the "in-memory" representation of the list:

#replace the problem line of code with: print row

['1', '11/13/2012 17:43', '0', '-0.2039', '0', '43.443', '40.2', '9.4', '0', '2.82', '70.2', '4.375']
['2', '11/13/2012 18:43', '0', '-0.2039', '0', '36.651', '61.1', '0.6', '0', '0', '74.4', '4.363']
['3', '11/13/2012 19:43', '0', '-0.1988', '0', '32.092', '76.1', '0.6', '0', '0.56', '74.4', '4.357']
['4', '11/13/2012 20:43', '0', '-0.1988', '0', '31.591', '74.5', '0.6', '0', '1.12', '92.7', '4.357']
['5', '11/13/2012 21:43', '0', '-0.1988', '0', '30.326', '82.4', '0.6', '0', '0', '223.2', '4.351']
¿Fue útil?


The problem is not with your format string. The error message

ValueError: time data '' does not match format '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'

indicates that you are trying to convert the empty string to a time. In other words, for at least one line of your file row[1] == '' and you are effectively calling time.strptime('', '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M').

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