
I've been using microsoft virtual pc to locally run multiple internet explorer versions on my web development machine.

Most the time I pull down the vhds I need from Microsoft here

however, I have not found an IE 10 vhd anywhere on I've asked microsoft here as well.

Should I copy a windows 7 vhd and just upgrade it to IE 10 for now? cross my fingers it won't run differently on windows 8?

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Solución 2

Since you're running Windows XP and already have a Windows 7 VHD, I would say make a duplicate copy of it and upgrade it to IE10. IE10 for Windows 7 can be got from here.

I would suggest you to upgrade to Windows 8 Pro as it includes Hyper-V and native VHD booting support. Native VHD booting is on Windows 7 as well. See this post. This enables you to boot multiple Windows OSes as if running on bare metal.

Let me know if you need further clarifications.

Otros consejos

Yup! VM Appliances for all your base are here:

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