
I'm working on an app which records video. It's mostly complete but i'm having a strange issue with an older Samsung Galaxy S1 (australian model) running 2.3.3 (API 10).

When I try setting orientation via mMediaRecorder.setOrientationHint(90); it throws an exception :

05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373): java.lang.RuntimeException: setParameter failed.

along with :

05-28 10:46:53.593: E/MediaRecorder(6373): setParameters(video-param-rotation-angle-degrees=90) failed: -2147483648

What's strange is other devices running 3.2.2 (API 10) work perfectly it is only this Samsung galaxy s1 which appears to have a bastardised custom OS which is not supporting setOrientation() as expected.

I'm currently using a try {} catch() {} around setOrientation(). Its not an elegant way to deal with this right? Is it better to preemptively check if setOrientation() is supported by the device THEN try setting? I can't find any way of checking for this support.

I've checked ( and can't find help apart from API level 9, which I'm already using. ie, only attempt set orientation if API level 9 or greater

Here is entire exception:

05-28 10:46:53.593: E/MediaRecorder(6373): setParameters(video-param-rotation-angle-degrees=90) failed: -2147483648
05-28 10:46:53.593: W/dalvikvm(6373): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015578)
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373): java.lang.RuntimeException: setParameter failed.
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at Method)
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at com.on3x.emergency.Recorder.prepareVideoRecorder(
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at com.on3x.emergency.Recorder.startRecording(
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at com.on3x.emergency.GUI.RecordActivity$1.onClick(
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at android.view.View.performClick(
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at android.view.View$
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at$
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at
05-28 10:46:53.628: E/AndroidRuntime(6373):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

And here is the actual set code :

    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT>=9) {
        // attempt to rotate the video 90 degrees.
        try {
            Utils.logLine("orientation rotated 90", this, Utils.LOG_TYPE_DEBUG);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Utils.logLine("error trying setOrientationHint"+ e.getMessage(), this, Utils.LOG_TYPE_ERROR, e);
    } else {
        Utils.logLine("orientation set skipped ", this, Utils.LOG_TYPE_DEBUG);
¿Fue útil?


If you are confident that only a limited number of devices have customize with this command, you can preemptive check by checking their type of device. Otherwise try catch block is the only way to handle it.

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