Write a complete program in real-address mode that: 1) Prompts the user to read from the keyboard one uppercase letter between K and P [closed]

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16789466

  •  30-05-2022
  •  | 


Write a complete program in real-address mode that:

  1. Prompts the user to read from the keyboard one uppercase letter between K and P.
  2. Validates the input and if the character is not in the range prompt the user again and again until a valid character is entered.
  3. Displays the 5 neighboring letters on each side.

For example, if the user enters a letter ‘M’ then the output would be: HIJKL M NOPQR. i try on solve it but my answer is wrong

include irvine16.inc

M1 byte "Enter one upper case letter between K and P : $"
letter byte 1,?,1

main PROC
  mov ax, @data
  mov ds, ax

L1: mov ah,9 ;display msg m1
  lea dx,M1
  int 21h

mov ah,01h ;read a char
lea dx,letter
int 21h

mov bl,letter
CMP bl,'K'
Jb L1
CMP bl, 'P'
Ja L1

mov cx,5
lea si, letter
 dec si
loop L3

mov cx,11
lea si, letter
L2: sub si,5
  mov ah,05h
int 21h


mov ah, 4ch
int 21h

main ENDP
END main

No hay solución correcta

Otros consejos

That's not how int 21h / function 01h works. The character is returned in AL:

mov ah,01h ;read a char
int 21h

cmp al,'K'

This code makes no sense:

mov cx,5
mov  bl  
dec si 
loop L3

It won't assemble since mov bl isn't a valid istruction. Even if it did, it serves no purpose.

mov ah,05h
int 21h

That's not the function you want. To write a character to the standard output you should use function 02h with the character placed in DL.

Maybe you also should consider pushing valuable registers before interruption and poping them back after. I don't quite remember how all of 21h functions work, but AFAIR some might affect for example cx register resulting in unpredictable loops.

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