
The algorithm is just like this.

    def fib(x: Int): BigInt = {
        x match {
            case 1 => BigInt(1)
            case 2 => BigInt(1)
            case x => fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)

I try to make the algorithm parallel with Actor in Scala. But my code is extremely slow compare with the one without Actor!

Is there a good way to make it work?

¿Fue útil?


For not large size of n, the serial code will always be faster (Much much faster in cases of tail recursion). This is because calling a new function will be faster than starting a new actor. Plus there will contention among threads and context switches.

In the below code, I start a new actor for every n > 2. There can be many optimized ways, but I simply using the recurrence T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) to serial one.

import akka.event.Logging
import akka.routing.RoundRobinRouter

object Fib extends App {

trait Fib
case class N(val n: Int) extends Fib

case class Ans(n: Int)
class FibN(listen: ActorRef) extends Actor {

var numOfResults = 0;
var ans = 0;
val log = Logging(context.system, this)

def receive = {
  case N(x) => {
    //println(self.path+"-Message N(x) "+x)
    val others = context.actorOf(Props(new FibN(self)).withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(2)), name = "Fibn:" + x)
    if(x==1 || x==2)
      listen ! new Ans(1)
    else if(x>2){
      others ! new N(x-1)
      others ! new N(x-2)


  case Ans(x) => {
    //println(self.path+" Ans(x) "+x+" numOfResults "+numOfResults+" from "+sender.path)
    numOfResults += 1
    ans = ans + x;
    if (numOfResults == 2){
      //println(self.path+"sending back to sender "+listen.path+" numOfResults "+numOfResults)
      listen ! Ans(ans)

  case _ => println(self.path+"Not valid")



class Listener extends Actor{
val log = Logging(context.system, this)
var st:Long = 0;
def receive = {
  case Ans(x) => {
    println(self.path+"\n\nAns is "+x+" time taken: "+(System.currentTimeMillis() - st))
  case N(x) => {
    println(self.path+" Message Received "+x)
    val actor = context.actorOf(Props(new FibN(self)),"FibN")
    st = System.currentTimeMillis()
    actor ! new N(x)
  case _ => println(self.path+" Invalid request")

val system = ActorSystem("Fibanoccia")
val listener = system.actorOf(Props[Listener],"Listener")
listener ! new N(25)

This as expected was much slower. Unless n is very large, actor will always be slower for reasons mentioned. For larger 'n', this can be decomposed.

Otros consejos

I don't know Scala but would you like to try this?

def fib(a:BigInt, b:BigInt, n: Int): BigInt = {
    n match {
        case 1 => BigInt(a) + BigInt(b)
        case x => fib(b, a + b, n - 1)

I don't know the syntax but this concept may help. Using 0 and 1 as first two arguments. It is an O(n) algorithm.

And why not use fast power optimized matrix multiplication which has an excellent time complexity of O(log(n))?

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