
Cuando estoy tratando de resolver una referencia CORBA recibo un fallo de segmentación. Ya sea ciega im o he hecho algo realmente estúpido para esto no trabajo. Im usar ACE 5.7.9 1.7.9 TAO para CORBA. Se pregunta si alguien me puede ayudar ??? plazca

El fallo de segmentación parece estar sucediendo en la línea "serverRef = Corba :: :: Orbe getOrb () resolveObjectReference (myIOR.c_str ());". como comentar esta línea hará que la aplicación se ejecute bien.

He copiado todo el código dependan más adelante.

bool ClsSend::ServerObject::resolveServerRef()
  clssendlog << debug << "In ClsSend::ServerObject::resolveServerRef 1" << endl;
 bool referenceIsUsable = true;
 ostringstream errMsg;

 // Are we dealing with a new reference?
 if (CORBA::is_nil (
   try {
     Monitor crit (mutexCoreRef);

     if (CORBA::is_nil (
       // Step 1: Resolve the object reference
       serverRef = Corba::Orb::getOrb().resolveObjectReference <GenericServerWithTransport> (myIOR.c_str());

       // Step 2: Ping to check connectivity if reference is not null
       if (!CORBA::is_nil (
         errMsg << "Not registered in naming server.";
         referenceIsUsable = false;
   } catch (const CORBA::COMM_FAILURE &exc) {
     errMsg << "CORBA::COMM_FAILURE";
     referenceIsUsable = false;
   } catch (const NamingException &exc) {
     errMsg << exc;
     referenceIsUsable = false;
   } catch (...) {
     errMsg << "Unknown exception";
     referenceIsUsable = false;
 return referenceIsUsable;


/////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////

resolveObjectReference esquema,

// Resolve a reference to an object, return a nil object reference if none is bound
// Specify the name with a delimited string
template<class T> typename T::_var_type resolveObjectReference(const string &name,
    char delimiter = '/')
  return Corba::resolveObjectReference<T> (, name, delimiter);

// Resolve a reference to an object, return a nil object reference if none is bound
// Specify the name with a delimited c-style string
template<class T>
typename T::_var_type resolveObjectReference(const CORBA::ORB_ptr & orb, const string &name, char delimiter = '/')
  return resolveObjectReference<T> (orb, convertToCosName(name, delimiter));

// Resolve a reference to an object, return a nil object reference if none is bound
// Specify the name with a CosNaming::Name object
template<class T>
typename T::_var_type resolveObjectReference(const CORBA::ORB_ptr & orb, const CosNaming::Name &name)
  typename T::_var_type typedObj;
  CORBA::Object_var obj;

  // Check it is a valid name
  assert_throw(name.length() > 0);

  // Try to resolve the object reference
    obj = getNamingContext(orb)->resolve(name);

    // If the object reference was bound to nil emit a warning but return nil, do not throw
    if (CORBA::is_nil(
      liblog << warning << "Object reference " << toString(name)
          << " bound to nil in naming service" << endl;
      typedObj = T::_narrow(;

      // If the object reference narrowed to nil this indicates the object was of the wrong type
      if (CORBA::is_nil(
        liblog << error << "Object reference " << toString(name)
            << " is not of the expected type " << typeid(T).name() << endl;
        throw NamingException("Object reference narrows to a nil");
  catch (const CosNaming::NamingContext::NotFound &exc)
    // Object not bound - return nil
  return typedObj;

// Local function - getNamingContext
CosNaming::NamingContext_var getNamingContext(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb)
  // Get the initial reference to the naming service
  CORBA::Object_var nameService;

  // Try to get a reference to the naming service
  nameService = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
  if (CORBA::is_nil(
    liblog << error << "Name service reference bound to nil" << endl;
    throw NamingException("Naming service reference bound to nil");

  // cerr << "Name service IOR: " << getORB()->object_to_string (nameService) << endl;

  // Narrow the reference to the root naming context
  CosNaming::NamingContext_var rootContext =
  if (CORBA::is_nil(
    liblog << error << "Name service reference resolved to nil" << endl;
    throw NamingException("Naming service reference resolves to nil");
  return rootContext;

// Local function - convertToCosName
CosNaming::Name convertToCosName(const string &strname, char delimiter)
  const char *name = strname.c_str();

  CosNaming::Name cosName;
  cosName.length(count(name, name + strlen(name), delimiter) + 1);

  size_t index = 0;
  const char *next = strchr(name, delimiter);
  if (next == NULL)
    next = name + strlen(name);
  while (next != NULL)
    cosName[index].id = string(name, next).c_str();
    cosName[index++].kind = CORBA::string_dup("");
    if (*next)
      name = next + 1;
      next = strchr(name, delimiter);
      if (next == NULL)
        next = name + strlen(name);
      next = NULL;
  return cosName;
¿Fue útil?


Dang, que es una gran cantidad de código en una pregunta ...

Mi siguiente aspecto en un caso como éste sería dividir esa línea ofender:

serverRef = Corba::Orb::getOrb().resolveObjectReference (myIOR.c_str());

en tantas partes como sea posible, y tratar de ver qué parte está fallando. Después de eso, tratar de ver lo que está mal con esa primera parte.

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