
I'm trying to convert Ant task to Maven's antrun plugin task.

The Ant task is like that:

<aidl executable="${aidl}"
    <source path="${source.absolute.dir}"/>

This code is from android sdk build.xml file.

Any idea how it should be like in Maven antrun plugin?

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I'm posting the way I did it for now, in case someone is looking for the same solution.

Note that the code is not clean and not portable.

        <target name="convert-aidl-files">
          <property name="aidl" location="${env.ANDROID_HOME}/build-tools/android-4.2.2/aidl${exe}"/>
          <property name="framework.aidl" location="${env.ANDROID_HOME}/platforms/android-17/framework.aidl"/>
          <apply executable="${aidl}" parallel="false">
            <arg value="-I${src.dir}"/>
            <arg value="-p${framework.aidl}"/>
            <arg value="-o${gen.dir}"/>
            <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
              <include name="**\*.aidl"/>
  • The maven-antrun-plugin is maven plugin to execute ant tasks.
  • The property aidl is pointing to the aidl.exe from Android SDK build-tools. This part of the script is using hard-coded values. The better way will be to discover the location dynamically, but unfortunately I've not found the way to do it yet.
  • The property framework.aidl is pointing to the framework.aidl file from Android SDK. This part of the script is using hard-coded values. The better way will be to discover the location dynamically, but unfortunately I've not found the way to do it yet.
  • The apply ant task is used to execute the aidl.exe with fileset as input argument.
  • The srcfile is used to mention the input files for the apply task. The srcfile is empty, but I've used the fileset below to filter only the files with *.aidl extension.

Otros consejos

It's more convenient to use android-maven-plugin and then:

mvn clean android:generate-sources
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