
I am working on an input system. In this system, objects can register a function to be called when a certain key is pressed. However the methods that are registered are members to that object, so my register function has to look something like this:

void register(EventType type, Class* object, void (Class::*function)()){ //save this }

The issue is that it won't always be the same class registering a function, so this won't work. Is there anyway round this?

¿Fue útil?


You could store std::function<void()> in the class where you register the callbacks, and then add a function template register member function:

struct Foo
  template <typename F>
  void register(EventType type, F&& fun)
    // make an std::function<void()> from fun and store

Then, you do the binding of Class instance and Class member function on the caller's side.

struct Bar { void bar() {} };
void foobar() { std::cout << "foobar!\n"; }

Foo f;
Bar b;
f.register(event1, std::bind(&Bar::bar, b)); // will call
f.register(event2, foobar);                  // will call foobar()

Otros consejos

This is a way to do it without templates and function pointer. You have a observer (callback) class like this:

class MyCallback {
    virtual void run(int abc)
        cout << "MyCallback::run(" << abc << ")" << endl;

Then you instantiate your observer class with a parent class MyCallback:

class Test : public MyCallback
    void run(int abc)

The class that calls all observers:

class Subject

    vector<MyCallback*> observers;


    void reg_observer(MyCallback* cb)

    void call_out(int abc)
        vector<MyCallback*>::iterator it;



A test code:

void testcb()
    Test ttt;
    Subject s;

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