
In the documentation, the mongodb connection is established once, before being used without passing the connection to each command, is that the proper way to use monger, or should I pass the database connection to each call?

¿Fue útil?


If you work with single database then it's best to set the connection once:

(mg/connect! db-spec)

But it's not a good idea when you have multiple databases. Monger have with-connection macro (see API docs) for this case:

(mg/with-connection db-connection

You may establish all connections once during the initialization of your app:

(def conn1 (mg/connect db-spec))

and then use them:

(mg/with-connection conn1

Update. In our application we have a hash-map of all database connections:

(def  ^:dynamic

(defn connect! [db]
  {:pre [(contains? mongo-config db)]}
  (if (-> db *connections* nil?)
      (let [conn (mg/connect (get mongo-config db))]
        (alter-var-root #'*connections*
                        { :conn conn
                          :db   (mg/get-db conn (name db))})))
  (-> *connections* db :conn))

(defmacro with-db [db & body]
  "Eval body using :amonplus or :statistic db"
  `(mg/with-connection (connect! ~db)
    (mg/with-db        (clojure.core/-> *connections* ~db :db)

mongo-config variable stores specification for all our databases and with-db macro makes it easy to access them by their names:

(with-db :my-db

Otros consejos

Now (version 2.0) is necessary for all key public API functions use an explicit DB/connection/GridFS object.


(require '[monger.collection :as mc])

(mc/insert db "libraries" {:name "Monger"})

To get this work:

 (let [conn (mg/connect)
     db   (mg/get-db conn "monger-test")]
      (mc/insert db "libraries" {:name "Monger"}))

How I can use the "db" reference accross all my code.

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