
i have a table in which two fields are id, controlflag.It looks like

Id    CntrlFlag       
122   SSSNNRRSSNNRSSSSS           

I have to get output in the following form( the occurences of R)

Id    Flag
121   6,12,17
122   6,7,12
123   1,2

I tried oracle query( as i obtained from this forum):

select  mtr_id,listagg(str,',') within group (order by lvl) as flags from
 ( select  mtr_id, instr(mtr_ctrl_flags,'R', 1, level) as str, level as lvl             
    from mer_trans_reject           
    connect by level <= regexp_count(mtr_ctrl_flags, 'R'))group by mtr_id;

it gives the result but 2nd and 3rd occurrences(not 1st one) are duplicated a no. of times. it looks like

id   Flag
123 6,12,12,12,12,17,17,17,17,17.

Can anybody know what's wrong here?

No hay solución correcta

Otros consejos

It could be avoided by select distinct keyword.Is there any other way?

Yes, there is, but this one is a little bit heavier(distinct will cost you less):

with t1(Id1, CntrlFlag) as(
  select 121, 'SSSSSRNNNSSRSSNNR'      from dual union all
  select 122, 'SSSNNRRSSNNRSSSSS'      from dual union all
  select 123, 'RRSSSNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS' from dual
select w.id1
     , listagg(w.r_pos, ',') within group(order by w.id1) as R_Positions
  from (select q.id1 
             , regexp_instr(q.CntrlFlag,'R', 1, t.rn) as r_pos
          from t1 q
         cross join (select rownum rn
                       from(select max (regexp_count(CntrlFlag, 'R')) ml
                              from t1
                           connect by level <= ml      
                      ) t
         ) w  
where w.r_pos > 0                          
group by w.id1


----------  -----------
       121  12,17,6
       122  12,6,7
       123  1,2
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