
When is it an advantage/disadvantage to be using RDotNet for making statistical calculations as opposed to generating an R script text file and running it from the application using e.g. Process.Start? Or is there some other better way?

I need to execute a large number of commands and have a feeling that sending them one by one to R takes a lot of time.

¿Fue útil?


I'd say the following two scenario's are stereotypical:

  1. .NET code and R code are quite separate, not a lot of interaction is needed between the R code and the .NET code. For example, the .NET code gathers some information, and launches a processing script on that, after which the .NET code picks up the results. In this case spawning an R process (Process.Start) is a simple way to get this working.
  2. A lot of interaction is needed between the .NET code and the R code, the workflow consists of going back and forth between .NET and R often. In this case, a more heavy weight, flexible solution such as RDotNet makes a lot of sense. RDotNet allows more easy integration of the .NET code and the R code, with the price being that it is often harder to learn, harder to debug, and often needs to be updated for new versions of R etc.

Otros consejos

R.NET currently can initilize once. Parallel execution will be problematic.

Would suggest use RScript.

Our solution based on this answer on stackoverflow Call R (programming language) from .net

With monor change, we send R code from string and save it to temp file, since user run custom R code when needed.

public static void RunFromCmd(string batch, params string[] args)
    // Not required. But our R scripts use allmost all CPU resources if run multiple instances
    lock (typeof(REngineRunner))
        string file = string.Empty;
        string result = string.Empty;
            // Save R code to temp file
            file = TempFileHelper.CreateTmpFile();
            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write)))

            // Get path to R
            var rCore = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\R-core") ??
            var is64Bit = Environment.Is64BitProcess;
            if (rCore != null)
                var r = rCore.OpenSubKey(is64Bit ? "R64" : "R");
                var installPath = (string)r.GetValue("InstallPath");
                var binPath = Path.Combine(installPath, "bin");
                binPath = Path.Combine(binPath, is64Bit ? "x64" : "i386");
                binPath = Path.Combine(binPath, "Rscript");
                string strCmdLine = @"/c """ + binPath + @""" " + file;
                if (args.Any())
                    strCmdLine += " " + string.Join(" ", args);
                var info = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd", strCmdLine);
                info.RedirectStandardInput = false;
                info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                info.UseShellExecute = false;
                info.CreateNoWindow = true;
                using (var proc = new Process())
                    proc.StartInfo = info;
                    result = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
                result += "R-Core not found in registry";
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception("R failed to compute. Output: " + result, ex);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                TempFileHelper.DeleteTmpFile(file, false);

Full blog post:

With Process.Start you will start up a new R session. This can take some time, especially if you are using different packages in your script which you need to load.

If you use R.NET, you can create an R instance, and keep on talking with it. So if you have created a webservice to connect R with ASP you don't want to start up R all the time as this will be very time costly. You need it just once and you can work with it interactively.

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