
After more than two days of building errors, I give up...

I followed this good tutorial here: . It compiles, and the "cryptest.exe" passes all tests. So, I guess that the static library "libcryptopp.a" is OK.

So, I move the "libcryptopp.a" and all the headers files in the Android project.

But when it comes to the building step (as often... :-) ), there are compilation errors, like:

    .../Classes/libs/android/libcryptopp.a(files.o): in function std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_M_unshift() 
    [clone .part.40]:/Users/toto/Developer/NDKs/AndroidNDKs/android-ndk-r8e/sources/cxx-stl/stlport/stlport/stl/_fstream.h:322: 
    error: undefined reference to 'std::_Filebuf_base::_M_write(char*, int)' 

    and ~50 others ... 

"undefined reference to" errors usually mean that a library is not present, but "libcryptopp.a" is correct here. So I expect that something is missing in the "":

    include $(CLEAR_VARS) 
    LOCAL_MODULE    := cryptopp-prebuilt 
    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ...narf/Classes/libs/android/libcryptopp. 

    include $(CLEAR_VARS) 
       here are included other library 

    LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := cryptopp-prebuilt                 
    include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) 

After tries with "APP_STL := stlport_static/dynamic", "APP_STL := gnustl_static/dynamic", etc... no more chances.

Being really not a building/compilation expert (even worse on Android), can somebody help me. Thank you very much!

¿Fue útil?


Ok. It is working now!

So the linking of "libcryptopp.a" is not working on my Android project with "stlport" but only with "gnustl_static". Perhaps because of others include like "cocosd2-x".

So following the tuto "" you must change the script "" to have a result like this:

    ANDROID_STL_INC: /Users/toto/Developer/NDKs/AndroidNDKs/android-ndk-r8e/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/include/
    ANDROID_STL_LIB: /Users/toto/Developer/NDKs/AndroidNDKs/android-ndk-r8e/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/libs/armeabi/libgnustl_static.a

and also move the files (just for the compilation)




otherwise there are compilation problems...


Otros consejos

I think there are a couple problems with your answer.

First, when multiple libraries use the standard runtimes, you must use the shared object version and not the static version. That's covered in ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/docs/CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html.

Second, you probably have a problem with library load order. Static linking makes it go away because references to std::_Filebuf_base::_M_write(char*, int) (and friends) are resolved at compile time, and not link/load time. To fix this, you must load (or first, and then load second.

If you load first, then there is no runtime loaded into the process to resolve std::_Filebuf_base::_M_write(char*, int) (and friends). That's covered under the wiki page with the LD_PRELOAD tricks.

To fix it in Android Java, you would perform the following. See Is -rpath working? for details.

static {

The Crypto+++ Andrid wiki page has been updated:

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