
Más específicamente, la STM32F107 .

Yo apenas podía encontrar ningún código en el sitio web del ST, ni siquiera las bibliotecas descargables (aunque he encontrado mención alguna que indica que deben existir?). Esto me asusta un poco, ya que no quiero elegir un procesador que es difícil de usar cuando hay otras alternativas. (Este procesador en particular cumple con todos los demás requisitos, sin embargo, por favor no interpretar esto como una cuestión de alternativas)

Así que básicamente tenía la esperanza de que alguien aquí me podría apuntar en la dirección correcta.

I planear sobre el uso del conjunto de herramientas Raisonance, que es libre, pero parece estar limitado a C. Tanto C y C ++ (e incluso de montaje puro) ejemplos serían grandes, sin embargo. ejemplos USB son de particular interés.

¿Fue útil?


First off, there is a lot of CM3 code that applies to more processors than just the STM32... but it seems that you asked about the STM32 specifically.

There is a FreeRTOS port for the STM32 family.

The STM32 Primer is a cheap hardware platform with lots of user-supplied projects that can be downloaded.

Plus, ST has some examples that can be downloaded, and there is a forum with lots of topics & examples as well.

You mentioned USB. Look in the ST downloadable examples for the entry for USB on the go, UM0721. The idiots did everything in HTML5 or flash or something (sorry, I"m an embedded guy, not a web developer) - I can't post a direct link... if this description isn't good enough for you to find it, let me know, I'll try to be more explicit.

I have a bunch more stuff saved off & bookmarked, but I would think that would be enough to get you started? Good luck & have fun.

EDIT1: Olimex has a ton of great, low-cost ARM boards, including STM32-based boards. The page for one of their boards has a software download with lots of examples, including USB virtual COM port, USB audio, and USB mass storage. I don't know what your hardware is and what toolset you're using, so of course you'll probably have to take the code & tailor it to your needs. (Disclaimer: I have no association with Olimex whatsoever, I've just used a lot of their stuff & find them to be great bang-for-the-buck.)

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