
I'm playing around with SURF-feature detection using Python and opencv. I have found these examples here on stackoverflow OpenCV 2.4.1 - computing SURF descriptors in Python, but unfortunately they are not working with newest version of opencv namely The cv2.SURF.detect() command must have been changed, because it now allows only two arguments now:

cv2.SURF.detect(image[, mask]) → keypoints¶

So i can just get the keypoints, but how do i get the descriptors? Did not find a solution for that. Hope you can help me here. Thanks

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According to the tutorial posted by Abid Rahman K in comments, i modified this example code OpenCV 2.4.1 - computing SURF descriptors in Python so it is working with opencv

the function for getting SURF keypoints and descriptors has been changed to:

cv2.SURF.detectAndCompute(image, mask[, descriptors[, useProvidedKeypoints]]) → keypoints, descriptors

So here is the modified example of the link:

import cv2
import numpy

opencv_haystack =cv2.imread('haystack.jpg')
opencv_needle =cv2.imread('needle.jpg')

ngrey = cv2.cvtColor(opencv_needle, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
hgrey = cv2.cvtColor(opencv_haystack, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# build feature detector and descriptor extractor
hessian_threshold = 5000
detector = cv2.SURF(hessian_threshold)
hkeypoints,hdescriptors = detector.detectAndCompute(hgrey,None)
nkeypoints,ndescriptors = detector.detectAndCompute(ngrey,None)

# extract vectors of size 64 from raw descriptors numpy arrays
rowsize = len(hdescriptors) / len(hkeypoints)
if rowsize > 1:
    hrows = numpy.array(hdescriptors, dtype = numpy.float32).reshape((-1, rowsize))
    nrows = numpy.array(ndescriptors, dtype = numpy.float32).reshape((-1, rowsize))
    #print hrows.shape, nrows.shape
    hrows = numpy.array(hdescriptors, dtype = numpy.float32)
    nrows = numpy.array(ndescriptors, dtype = numpy.float32)
    rowsize = len(hrows[0])

# kNN training - learn mapping from hrow to hkeypoints index
samples = hrows
responses = numpy.arange(len(hkeypoints), dtype = numpy.float32)
#print len(samples), len(responses)
knn = cv2.KNearest()

# retrieve index and value through enumeration
for i, descriptor in enumerate(nrows):
    descriptor = numpy.array(descriptor, dtype = numpy.float32).reshape((1, rowsize))
    #print i, descriptor.shape, samples[0].shape
    retval, results, neigh_resp, dists = knn.find_nearest(descriptor, 1)
    res, dist =  int(results[0][0]), dists[0][0]
    #print res, dist

    if dist < 0.1:
        # draw matched keypoints in red color
        color = (0, 0, 255)
        # draw unmatched in blue color
        color = (255, 0, 0)
    # draw matched key points on haystack image
    x,y = hkeypoints[res].pt
    center = (int(x),int(y)),center,2,color,-1)
    # draw matched key points on needle image
    x,y = nkeypoints[i].pt
    center = (int(x),int(y)),center,2,color,-1)

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