
I have declared the following types in a package.

TYPE l_task_type_rec is record (task_id number, creation_date date);

TYPE tas_tab is table of l_task_type_rec;

l_task_rec tas_tab;

I am trying to use a for loop to iterate through the objects in the table type objects like this. I am not sure if it is possible.

for counter in l_task_rec.first ..l_task_rec.last


    select task_id into l_task_id from l_task_rec where rowid = counter;

    select location_id into p_location_id from csf_ct_tasks where task_id = l_task_id;

    OPEN c_location_rec (p_location_id);

                    FETCH c_location_rec

                    BULK COLLECT INTO x_location_rec;

     CLOSE c_location_rec;

end loop;

What I want is to call a cursor from inside the for loop so that I can get a list of all the locations one by one and fetch and store all the data in a record type. I know the query to search the table type is wrong because it says the table or view l_task_rec does not exist! Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here or point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance..

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Here is an example of how you can iterate through objects in the table type:

  l_task_rec tas_tab;
  p_location_id number;//Assuming number
  --Example data
  l_task_rec:=tas_tab( l_task_type_rec (10, sysdate), l_task_type_rec (21, sysdate), l_task_type_rec (35, sysdate));--This should come from somewhere else

  for counter in l_task_rec.first .. l_task_rec.last
    --You can get the data like this
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('TASK_ID: '||l_task_rec(counter).TASK_ID);

    select location_id into p_location_id from csf_ct_tasks where task_id = l_task_rec(counter).TASK_ID;
   --More code
   --OPEN  ...
   --CLOSE ...
  end loop;

In order for this to work, I changed how l_task_type_rec type is created:

create TYPE l_task_type_rec is object (task_id number, creation_date date)
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