
I am using a tcp server that I wrote for handling inputs into a database. I have a tcp client sitting on a server that sends the filename to a tcp server sitting on a different linux server. once the filename is received the linux server goes into a shared folder and pulls the file then inserts it into the database.

my problem is with correctly declaring the buffer and clearing it to make sure I get the correct filename without any gibberish added or anything removed from it.

right now it is working like this:

 char data[1024];

which is fine but it does not automatically delete the buffer completely, so i tried to implicitly allocate memory to "data" such as:

char *data = (char*) malloc(1024 * sizeof(char));


char *data = new char[1024]; 
delete[] data;

For some reason the above two declaration are declaring a buffer of size =8 I got this using


also what I am receiving is only 8 characters long. I am not sure why it is doing this, any help??


char *data = (char*)malloc(1048 * sizeof(char));
if(data==NULL) exit(1);
cout << "DATA Size: " << sizeof(data) << "\n";
int msglen = read(conn, data, sizeof(data));
cout << "Server got " << msglen << " byte message: " << data << "\n";

if(write(conn, &msglen, sizeof(msglen))<0){
    cout << "Failed to write back to the client " << strerror(errno);

¿Fue útil?


There are several things wrong with your code. 1) dont use malloc - you flagged your question as c++ - use malloc only when necessary replace it with:

const int dataSize = 1024;
char *data = new char[dataSize];

2) sizeof(data) when data is char* returns 8 because it returns size of a pointer not an array when you declare data as array sizeof will return bytes occupied by whole array. you should replace you read with:

int msglen = read(conn,data,dataSize)

3) I assume that u want to write data u've just received back to sender.. Then:
in write function you put sizeof(msglen) as third argument which will (mostly) always return 4. remove sizeof( ).

write(conn, data, msglen);

after you are done with the data dont forget to clear the memory using:

delete[] data;

use delete[] always when you assigned memory with new[].

Otros consejos

API write(int socket, char *buf, int len);

Code becomes this:

write(con, data, msglen);

Assuming you can't use the stack (e.g. char buf[1024]), using naked pointers is discouraged as bad style and bug prone. Instead, use RAII and some variant of amanged memory, such as shared_ptr or unique_ptr.

#include <memory> and use a std::shared_ptr<>, or std::unique_ptr<> plus std::move() to return the buffer:

std::size_t bufSize = 1024;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> myUniqueBuf(new char[bufSize]);
ssize_t msglen = ::read(conn, *myUniqueBuf, bufSize); // return type is ssize_t, not int
return std::move(myUniqueBuf); // If you need to return the buffer

// I think you will probably prefer a shared_ptr<> because it has a copy
// constructor which makes it easier to pass around and return from functions
std::shared_ptr<char[]> mySharedBuf(new char[1024]);
ssize_t msglen = ::read(conn, *mySharedBuf, bufSize); // return type is ssize_t, not int
ssize_t bytesOut = ::write(conn, *mySharedBuf, msglen);
return mySharedBuf;

The advantage to std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr is that you don't have to worry about cleaning up a naked pointer (i.e. calling delete[] data;) because with managed memory it will happen automatically for you when the buffer handle goes out of scope or the reference count goes to zero (e.g. myUniqueBuf or mySharedBuf).

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