
So my environment is C# sitefinity webforms / mvc / webapi hybrid. I have an application pool in IIS 7 sitting behind an Amazon elb.

I have a site in IIS. I have added an application to called bar. So my other site can be accessed by

These two sites work fine (for the most part). But sometimes when I access the same url that belongs to* I will get a 404 error, I hit enter on the browser address bar and it shows again. The 404s are hard to replicate some times I get a page rendered, some times I get a 404.

The thing is the 404 page I get is from, not

So it looks like sometimes is trying to resolve the url instead of resolving the url.

I noticed that https traffic coming into the elb is sent to my application as http, so maybe the elb does something funny some times but not others?

Anyway, to troubleshoot I want my application at to ignore all url requests to, so if i still get 404s I at least want the 404 page from the sub application (

So I am thinking of adding this rule to web.config

<rule name="Ignore bar" stopProcessing="true">
  <match url="^.**" />
  <action type="None" /> 

But I'm unsure what the action does. What does the none do? My intention is to have ignore the url and have get the url if the regex is matched. is in test mode but is a live site, so I don't want to break anything.

btw I don't get 404s to* on my dev or staging environments (where the IIS applications are setup in teh same format as live).

The main difference seems be be the Amazon environment, but I could be wrong.

So will my rule work? Or is there a better way?

Edit: I don't know if this is related, but on my amazon instances sitefinty shows I have some HTTP PUT errors (when the elb I guess is trying to PUT something to my sub application (, the error is a timeout).

Edit 2: When trying a Get call to a WebApi method (to on https I always get a 404 from But the same url on http and I get the expected data, this seems to be consistently reproducible.

Était-ce utile?

La solution 2

I solved this.

The problem was above the amazon ELB we have ANOTHER akamai load balancer. Akamai was caching certain urls and sending them to the wrong server so we got a 404 because the sub application wasn't on the server that Akamai was sending the request too.

Cleared the Akamai cache and now all the requests are working / hitting the correct server and application.

I didn't include this information in my question because I didn't know the live environment was setup this way.

Autres conseils

Try doing the following. On the webconfig of the child application. (

Clear the rules and then define what you need:

   <clear />
   <!-- Define your subapplication rules if needed -->

That statement clear all inherited rules from parent application.

You can algo use:

    <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">

All the lines wrapped between tags on the parent application would not be inherited to the child application

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