
Google has indexed the url login cpanel hosting of Hostgator. Ex:

Also indexed 5 pages of my site with www. So I'm with duplicate content.

Is indexed, eg and

I've tried removing the Webmaster Tools, but always add a slash (/) after the domain.

When trying to send Removal is added /, getting

Has anyone had this problem? Can anything be done to remove these pages? Thank.

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Google has indexed the url login cpanel hosting of Hostgator. Ex:

If you are on a shared host I don't think you can do anything about this unfortunately.

cPanel blocks the crawling of these pages with robots.txt. Unfortunately this can still result in a link-only entry in Google SERPs, with a description such as:

A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more.

To prevent these pages from being indexed they either need a noindex robots meta tag, or a similar noindex X-Robots-Tag HTTP response header. And remove the Disallow directive in robots.txt (which prevents the pages from being crawled). As far as I'm aware the cPanel pages do not return an appropriate robots meta tag.

This issue has been discussed in the cPanel forums (some years ago!) and "fixes" have supposedly been released, however, I have seen no change in this behaviour.

To be honest, using robots.txt to block the crawling of these pages is arguably the most efficient method as it simply blocks the (good) bots from requesting the pages and thus reducing (just a little bit) the load on the server. In order to block these pages from Google's index you need to allow the pages to be crawled so the robots meta tags can be detected (which doesn't currently exist). Bit of a catch 22.

If you are thinking in terms of security, then preventing these page from being indexed does not really help. It's just security by obscurity at best. The cPanel login pages can easily be found by requesting the standard URL,

Also indexed 5 pages of my site with www. So I'm with duplicate content.

You can set a preference for either www or no-www in Google Webmaster Tools. Or you can redirect one to the other in .htaccess. Which is your preferred URL is up to you. For instance, to redirect from none-www to www...

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

Although to be honest, Google does a pretty good job of resolving this issue anyway (it is very common). There is no duplicate content "penalty", it's just that if you don't specify a preference then either could be indexed.

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