
Log4net produced only an empty log file. NHibernate messages have not been logged whatsoever. I've had a hard time to figure out why. It turns out that this is a NHibernate.Glimpse question now...

The following setting overrides the log provider:

<add key="nhibernate-logger" 
     value="NHibernate.Glimpse.LoggerFactory, NHibernate.Glimpse"/>

As soon as this setting is present the (log4net) log file does not receive NHibernate messages anymore. If it's absent Glimpse won't show NHibernate details in turn.

Can anyone think of a way to have Glimpse display NHibernate information while still logging according to log4net configuration?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Create a composite logger factory and logger, as suggested by @wiero.

public class CombinedLoggerFactory : ILoggerFactory
    IList<ILoggerFactory> factories = new List<ILoggerFactory> {
        new Log4NetLoggerFactory(),
        new NHibernate.Glimpse.LoggerFactory()

    public CombinedLoggerFactory()

    public IInternalLogger LoggerFor( Type type )
        return new CombinedLogger( factories.Select( f => f.LoggerFor( type )));

    public IInternalLogger LoggerFor( string keyName )
        return new CombinedLogger( factories.Select( f => f.LoggerFor( keyName )));

internal static class IEnumerableExtensions
    internal static void ForEach<T>( this IEnumerable<T> list, Action<T> action )
        foreach( var x in list ) {

internal class CombinedLogger : IInternalLogger
    readonly IList<IInternalLogger> loggers;

    internal CombinedLogger( IEnumerable<IInternalLogger> logs )
        loggers = logs.ToList();

    public void Debug( object message, Exception exception )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsDebugEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Debug( message, exception ));

    public void Debug( object message )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsDebugEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Debug( message ));

    public void DebugFormat( string format, params object[] args )
        loggers.ForEach( l => l.DebugFormat( format, args ));

    public void Error( object message, Exception exception )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsErrorEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Error( message, exception ));

    public void Error( object message )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsErrorEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Error( message ));

    public void ErrorFormat( string format, params object[] args )
        loggers.ForEach( l => l.ErrorFormat( format, args ));

    public void Fatal( object message, Exception exception )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsFatalEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Fatal( message, exception ));

    public void Fatal( object message )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsFatalEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Fatal( message ));

    public void Info( object message, Exception exception )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsInfoEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Info( message, exception ));

    public void Info( object message )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsInfoEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Info( message ));

    public void InfoFormat( string format, params object[] args )
        loggers.ForEach( l => l.InfoFormat( format, args ));

    public bool IsDebugEnabled
        get { return loggers.Any( l => l.IsDebugEnabled ); }

    public bool IsErrorEnabled
        get { return loggers.Any( l => l.IsErrorEnabled ); }

    public bool IsFatalEnabled
        get { return loggers.Any( l => l.IsFatalEnabled ); }

    public bool IsInfoEnabled
        get { return loggers.Any( l => l.IsInfoEnabled ); }

    public bool IsWarnEnabled
        get { return loggers.Any( l => l.IsWarnEnabled ); }

    public void Warn( object message, Exception exception )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsWarnEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Warn( message, exception ));

    public void Warn( object message )
        loggers.Where( l => l.IsWarnEnabled )
            .ForEach( l => l.Warn( message ));

    public void WarnFormat( string format, params object[] args )
        loggers.ForEach( l => l.WarnFormat( format, args ));
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