
I'm starting implementing Backbone in a web app.

The app has already some objects of its own, and also a Mediator (here called EventTools) for cross-object event communication. So for ex. an object subscribes like this:




And then some other object fires the event:"gt_pos_ready", args..);

Fine. But what if I want a view or other Backbone object to listen to EventTools firing some event?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

You can use Backbone.Events instead of your own way to trigger and listen events:

_.extend(EventTools, Backbone.Events);

EventTools.on("gt_pos_ready", function(coords) {
  /*Code for gt_pos_ready()*/

EventTools.trigger("gt_pos_ready", {LNG:"40.542343",LAT:"32.232423"});

I'm sure you are using lodash/underscore because it's a Backbone dep, so this should work.

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