
UPDATE: I tried

json = JSON.parse(@twitch.getStreams(game:"League of Legends").to_json)['body']['streams']

But now I'm getting no implicit conversion of String into Integer

I have a JSON and i need to find certain parameters from the JSON. This is what I receive to this request:

@twitch.getStreams(game:"League of Legends")[:body][:streams}

I get a huge JSON as below and it responds for each ID. i really only care about "viewers", "previews", and "_links", how can i filter to only those?

{"_id"=>7699557472, "game"=>"League of Legends", "viewers"=>14403, "preview"=>{"small"=>"", "medium"=>"", "large"=>"", "template"=>"{width}x{height}.jpg"}, "_links"=>{"self"=>""}, "channel"=>{"mature"=>nil, "abuse_reported"=>nil, "status"=>"Boxbox", "display_name"=>"flosd", "game"=>"League of Legends", "delay"=>0, "_id"=>38881685, "name"=>"flosd", "created_at"=>"2012-12-30T06:58:18Z", "updated_at"=>"2013-12-01T18:20:51Z", "logo"=>"", "banner"=>"", "video_banner"=>"", "background"=>nil, "profile_banner"=>nil, "profile_banner_background_color"=>nil, "url"=>"", "views"=>14808980, "_links"=>{"self"=>"", "follows"=>"", "commercial"=>"", "stream_key"=>"", "chat"=>"", "features"=>"", "subscriptions"=>"", "editors"=>"", "teams"=>"", "videos"=>""}}},
Était-ce utile?

La solution

json = @twitch.getStreams(game:"League of Legends")[:body][:streams]


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