
I have multiple projects A, B, C. Some are utility libraries and some are applications.

If I have the dependency heirarchy A->B->C and use publish-local I have to include Both dependency B and C in A. Even if A does not use anything directly from C (only by proxy). It is as if all project B dependencies are added with provided scope.

How come these dependencies won't be resolved and added to the classpath?

This is not a multi project Build.scala (on purpose) I have several simplified build files and I want them to be self contained build-wise.

I'm using the command re-start (Revolver) when starting the application A.


Example configuration In this example I've had to include multiple libraries (bouncy castle) that are only really used in one of the following libraries (all published with publish-local)

"mollyware"         %% "fulla-utils"    % fulla,
"mollyware"         %% "brage-http"     % brage,
"mollyware"         %% "saga-domain"    % saga,

Concatenated build.sbt file

scalaVersion := "2.10.3"

name := "mimer-idp"

organization := "mollyware"

version := "0.0.1"

import scalariform.formatter.preferences._


// compile options
scalacOptions ++= Seq( 

javacOptions  ++= Seq( 

resolvers += Classpaths.typesafeReleases

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Spray repo" at "",
  "Spray nightlies" at "",
  "Sonatype Snapshot Repo" at ""


ScalariformKeys.preferences := FormattingPreferences()
    .setPreference( RewriteArrowSymbols, true )
    .setPreference( AlignParameters, true )
    .setPreference( AlignSingleLineCaseStatements, true )
    .setPreference( SpaceInsideParentheses, true )
    .setPreference( DoubleIndentClassDeclaration, true )
    .setPreference( PreserveDanglingCloseParenthesis, true )

libraryDependencies <<= scalaVersion { scala_version => 
  val akka          = "2.2.1"
  val ampq          = "1.3-SNAPSHOT"
  val spray         = "1.2.0"
  val sprayJson     = "1.2.5"
  val fulla         = "0.0.1"
  val brage         = "0.0.1"
  val saga          = "0.0.1"
  val scalaTest     = "2.0.RC2"
  val commons       = "1.7"
  val bcastle       = "1.49"
    "io.spray"          % "spray-routing"   % spray,
    "io.spray"          % "spray-can"       % spray,
    "io.spray"          % "spray-http"      % spray,
    "io.spray"          % "spray-client"    % spray,
    "io.spray"          % "spray-testkit"   % spray     % "test",
    "io.spray"          %% "spray-json"     % sprayJson,
    "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor"     % akka,
    "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-remote"    % akka,
    "com.github.sstone" %% "amqp-client"    % ampq,
    "mollyware"         %% "fulla-utils"    % fulla,
    "mollyware"         %% "brage-http"     % brage,
    "mollyware"         %% "saga-domain"    % saga,
    "commons-codec"     %  "commons-codec"  % commons,
    "org.scalatest"     %  "scalatest_2.10" % scalaTest % "test",
    "org.bouncycastle"  % "bcprov-jdk15on"  % bcastle,
    "org.bouncycastle"  % "bcpkix-jdk15on"  % bcastle

import sbtassembly.Plugin._

import AssemblyKeys._

import spray.revolver.RevolverPlugin._


assembleArtifact in packageScala := false

assembleArtifact in packageDependency := true

assemblyOption in packageDependency ~= { _.copy(includeScala = false) }

Était-ce utile?

La solution

So this is what went wrong: at some point I decided to remove -SNAPSHOT from my build versions when I was setting up a CI-server.

This in turn seems to implicate that that publish-local would not update the package with the same version.

This took me a while to figure out because I made that change a while ago. The strangeness of it all is that the code still seemed to be updated anyhow since I got class not found exceptions. Is it possible that the jars got overwritten but not the ivy or poms?

I had good help of the sbt-dependency-graph plugin to figure this out in the end. The dependencies were not listed. And when I bumped the version or change to snapshot it started working again.

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