
I am creating a new user and then trying to log them in, the user is saved in the database and their role is also saved. Although I never hit the redirect to say they have been logged in. I have debugged the Auth::Instance->login and I get back FALSE

public function action_index()

    $view = View::factory('index/home');

    if( Request::current()->post() ):
        $post = $_POST;

        try {
            $user = ORM::factory('User');

            $user->username = $post['username'];
            $user->password = $post["password"];
            $user->email = $post["email"];
            $user->logins = +1;

            if ($user->saved() ):
                $user->add('roles', ORM::factory('Role')->where('name', '=', 'login')->find());

                $logged_in = Auth::instance()->login($post['username'], $post['password']); 

                echo Debug::vars($logged_in); exit;                 

                if ($logged_in):


        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo Debug::vars($e); exit;

    $index_page = $view->render();  


return array(

'driver'       => 'ORM',
'hash_method'  => 'sha256',
'hash_key'     => 'bernardo',
'lifetime'     => 1209600,
'session_type' => Session::$default,
'session_key'  => 'auth_user',


Could it be something is going wrong with the password while hashing?

Pas de solution correcte

Autres conseils

You are storing the password in plaintext in the database (unless you apply a filter of some kind). Try the following:

$user->password = Auth::instance()->hash($post["password"]);

This will make sure the password is hashed before storage. Auth will hash the password before comparing it to the values in the database.

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