
I'm using a LongListSelector for a WP8 app. I searched on several websites but did not found if there was a way to know the index of the item the user taped in the List. If anyone has an idea, it would be nice. Thanks


        <phone:LongListSelector x:Name="ListeNotes" Height="535" Width="426" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontSize="36" Margin="54,0,0,0">


                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Titre}"/>





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La solution

I'd create in code-beind or ViewModel (depending on what are you using), public variable

Public Int32 itemSelectedIndex {get;set;} //This is a public variable, therefore add it inside your class

and bind it to SelectedIndex as following:

<phone:LongListSelector x:Name="ListeNotes" Height="535" Width="426" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontSize="36" Margin="54,0,0,0" SelectedIndex ="{Binding itemSelectedIndex, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged}">

don't forget to add datacontext reference in code behind

Public void MainWindow()
this.DataContext = this;//this makes sure that you can bind public varibles to XAML

Afterwards you simply reference itemSelectedIndex anywhere in your code and it will return selected value (e.g. System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(itemSelectedIndex.ToString());

Autres conseils

In the handler:

SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As SelectionChangedEventArgs) Handles ListeNotes.SelectionChanged`

The "sender" is the ListBox. So all you have to do is cast "sender" to ListBox, and use its SelectedIndex property.

Dim listBox As ListBox = CType(sender, ListBox)
Dim tappedIndex = listBox.SelectedIndex

you can get it via

Dim num As Integer = (sender as LonglistSelector).Datasource.IndexOf((sender as LonglistSelector).SelectedItem)

The solution was not found... In fact I just said the user can't have twice the same Note object, and I use the IndexOf method in my List(Of Note) to get the index of the SelectedItem in the LongListSelector.

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