
I wanted to practice using the IO monad in Haskell so I decided to make a "screensaver" program which would recurse infinitely while printing to the console. When the code runs nothing appears on the console. When I send the SIGTERM to the program it prints the hard coded 'proof of concept' draw output but no output from the infinite recursion (go function).

I suspect this has something to do with lazy evaluation, that the code to output to the console in the go function is never called, but I don't know how to fix it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Haskell Code:

import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import System.Random
import System.Console.ANSI
import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Term

data RainDrop a = RainDrop
  { row   :: !a
  , col   :: !a
  , count :: !a
  } deriving (Read,Show)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- proof that draw works
  c <- applyX 10 draw (return (RainDrop 0 2 10))
  go [return (RainDrop 0 0 10)]

applyX :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyX 0 _ x = x
applyX n f x = applyX (n-1) f (f x)

go :: [IO (RainDrop Int)] -> IO ()
go []     = return ()
go (x:xs) = do
  prng <- newStdGen
  go $ map draw $ maybeAddToQueue prng (x:xs)

maybeAddToQueue :: RandomGen g => g -> [IO (RainDrop Int)] -> [IO (RainDrop Int)]
maybeAddToQueue _    []     = []
maybeAddToQueue prng (x:xs) =
    (noNewDrop, gen0) = randomR (True,False) prng
    if noNewDrop
    then x:xs
    else (
        (colR,gen1) <- randomCol gen0
        return $ RainDrop 0 colR $ fst $ randomLen gen1

randomCol :: RandomGen g => g -> IO (Int, g)
randomCol prng = do
  w <- Term.size >>= (\x -> return . Term.width  $ fromJust x)
  return $ randomR (0,(w-1)) prng

randomLen :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int, g)
randomLen = randomR (4,32)

draw :: IO (RainDrop Int) -> IO (RainDrop Int)
draw rain = do
  x    <- rain
  prng <- newStdGen
  setCursorPosition (row x) (col x)
  putChar . toGlyph $ fst $ randomR range prng
  return (RainDrop (succ $ row x) (col x) (count x))

toGlyph x
 | isJust a  = fromJust a
 | otherwise = x
 where a = lookup x dictionary

dictionary =
  let (a,b) = range
  in zip [a..b] encoding

encoding =
  let (a,b) = splitAt 16 katakana
      (c,d) = splitAt 7  b
  in a ++ numbers ++ c ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ d

range    = (' ','~')
katakana = ['・'..'゚']
numbers  = "012Ƹ߈Ƽ6ߖȣ9"
Était-ce utile?

La solution

This line in the go function:

go $ map draw $ maybeAddToQueue prng (x:xs)

doesn't actually execute any of the IO actions - it just creates new IO actions from existing ones.

Here are some type signatures of how I would approach the problem:

type World = [Raindrop]

-- draw the raindrops
draw :: World -> IO ()

-- advance the drops
step :: World -> World

-- add more drops
moreRain :: World -> IO (World)

-- the main loop
loop :: World -> IO ()
loop drops = do
  draw drops
  let drops' = step drops
  drops'' <- moreRain drops'
  -- delay for a while here???
  loop drops''


  • I've declared step to be a pure function on the assumption that motion of the drops is deterministic
  • moreRain however needs to use a random number generator, so it is an IO action

Autres conseils

As a rough general rule: IO values should usually turn up only to the right of function arrows1. I don't know how much you've already read about monads... it might be good to mention that what Haskell does with monads is more Kleisli arrows than anything else, so the typical signature is of the form A -> M B, with "pure" A and B.

That doesn't really answer you question now, but if you refactor your program accordingly (I suppose you want the practise anyway) I suspect it will work, so I'll leave it like this; your code is a bit too expansive for me a afford the time going through it in detail...

1There are of course exceptions to this rule, in fact some very important ones – generic action combinators, loops etc.. But those are few and already defined in the standard module Control.Monad.

go takes a list of IO actions which are never evaluated, because you never ask them to be. Same for maybeAddToQueue. Instead, you probably want to evaluate them as you go.

You are constructing an infinite loop which is supposed to do something. You can probably boil this down to forever someAction.

Also, you are doing everything in IO so you can use the IO versions of the random functions:

randomLen :: IO Int
randomLen = randomRIO (4,32)

First modify draw:

draw :: RainDrop Int -> IO (RainDrop Int)
draw x = do
  setCursorPosition (row x) (col x)
  g <- randomRIO range
  putChar $ toGlyph g
  return (RainDrop (succ $ row x) (col x) (count x))

There is no reason for draw to take an IO RainDrop because you immediately evaluate it anyways.

maybeAddToQueue :: [RainDrop Int] -> IO [RainDrop Int]
maybeAddToQueue [] = return []
maybeAddToQueue xs = do
  noNewDrop <- randomIO 
  if noNewDrop
  then return xs
  else do
        colR <- randomCol 
        len  <- randomLen 
        return $ (RainDrop 0 colR len):xs

Finally, your go function:

go :: [RainDrop Int] -> IO ()
go [] = return ()
go a = do
   b <- maybeAddToQueue a
   c <- mapM draw b
   go c

Or, the alternative version, which makes it very clearer what is happening:

import Control.Monad ((>=>))

go = maybeAddToQueue >=> mapM draw >=> go

Note that map became mapM. This ensures that your actions are indeed being executed. Since the value of the list is never demanded, simply using map will never evaluate any element of the list, so none of the IO actions were ever being run.

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