
This was asked as a "bonus question" in, but not answered:

Is there a way to print out the random seed used by ScalaCheck, so that you can reproduce a specific test run?

There is a hacky way: wrap a random generator to print its seed on initialization and pass it to Test.Parameters. Is there a better option?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

As of today, this is possible (see scalacheck#263). There are some nice examples here: Simple example of using seeds with ScalaCheck for deterministic property-based testing.

In short, you can do:

propertyWithSeed("your property", Some("seed")) =
  forAll { ??? }

and the seed will be printed when this property fails.

Autres conseils

There is no way to do this today. However, it will be implemented in the future, see

This is my answer there:

Bonus question: Is there an official way to print out the random seed used by ScalaCheck, so that you can reproduce even a non-deterministic test run?

From specs2-scalacheck version 4.6.0 this is now a default behaviour:

Given the test file HelloSpec:

package example

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck

class HelloSpec extends Specification  with ScalaCheck {
package example

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck

class HelloSpec extends Specification  with ScalaCheck {
    a simple property       $ex1

  def ex1 = prop((s: String) => s.reverse.reverse must_== "")

build.sbt config:

ThisBuild / scalaVersion     := "2.13.0"
ThisBuild / version          := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
ThisBuild / organization     := "com.example"
ThisBuild / organizationName := "example"

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    name := "specs2-scalacheck",
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "4.6.0",
      "org.specs2" %% "specs2-matcher-extra" % "4.6.0",
      "org.specs2" %% "specs2-scalacheck" % "4.6.0"
    ).map(_ % "test")

When you run the test from the sbt console:

sbt:specs2-scalacheck> testOnly example.HelloSpec

You get the following output:

[info] HelloSpec
[error]     x a simple property
[error]  Falsified after 2 passed tests.
[error]  > ARG_0: "\u0000"
[error]  > ARG_0_ORIGINAL: "猹"
[error]  The seed is X5CS2sVlnffezQs-bN84NFokhAfmWS4kAg8_gJ6VFIP=
[error]  > '' != '' (HelloSpec.scala:11)
[info] Total for specification HelloSpec

To reproduce that specific run (i.e with the same seed), you can take the seed from the output and pass it using the command line scalacheck.seed:

sbt:specs2-scalacheck>testOnly example.HelloSpec -- scalacheck.seed X5CS2sVlnffezQs-bN84NFokhAfmWS4kAg8_gJ6VFIP=

And this produces the same output as before.

You can also set the seed programmatically using setSeed:

def ex1 = prop((s: String) => s.reverse.reverse must_== "").setSeed("X5CS2sVlnffezQs-bN84NFokhAfmWS4kAg8_gJ6VFIP=")

Yet another way to provide the Seed is pass an implicit Parameters where the seed is set:

package example

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck
import org.scalacheck.rng.Seed
import org.specs2.scalacheck.Parameters

class HelloSpec extends Specification  with ScalaCheck {

    a simple property       $ex1

  implicit val params = Parameters(minTestsOk = 1000, seed = Seed.fromBase64("X5CS2sVlnffezQs-bN84NFokhAfmWS4kAg8_gJ6VFIP=").toOption)

  def ex1 = prop((s: String) => s.reverse.reverse must_== "")

Here is the documentation about all those various ways. This blog also talks about this.

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