
Je fais des devoirs, a écrit un code et ne peut pas réellement trouver la raison pour laquelle il ne fonctionne pas. L'idée principale de cette partie du travail est de faire un flux qui va me donner des éléments de la série Taylor de la fonction cosinus pour un X (angle je suppose) donné. de toute façon est mon code ici, je serais heureux si quelqu'un pouvait me indiquer les raisons pour lesquelles il ne fonctionne pas:)

(define (force exp) exp)
(define (s-car s) (car s))
(define (s-cdr s) (force (cdr s)))

; returns n elements of stream s as a list
(define (stream->list s n)
  (if (= n 0) 
      (cons (s-car s) (stream->list (s-cdr s) (- n 1)))))

; returns the n-th element of stream s
(define stream-ref (lambda (s n)
                     (if (= n 1)
                         (s-car s)
                         (stream-ref (s-cdr s) (- n 1)))))

; well, the name kinda gives it away :) make factorial n!
(define (factorial x)
        (cond ((= x 0) 1)
              ((= x 1) 1)
              (else (* x (factorial (- x 1))))))

; this function is actually the equation for the 
; n-th element of Taylor series of cosine
(define (tylorElementCosine x)
  (lambda (n)
     (* (/ (expt -1 n) (factorial (* 2 n))) (expt x (* 2 n)))))

; here i try to make a stream of those Taylor series elements of cosine
(define (cosineStream x)
  (define (iter n)
    (cons ((tylorElementCosine x) n)
          (lambda() ((tylorElementCosine x) (+ n 1)))))
  (iter 0))

; this definition should bind cosine
; to the stream of taylor series for cosine 10
(define cosine (cosineStream 10)) 
(stream->list cosine 10) 
; this should printi on screen the list of first 10 elements of the series

Toutefois, cela ne fonctionne pas, et je ne sais pas pourquoi.

J'utilise Dr.Scheme 4.2.5 avec le jeu de langage « Principes fondamentaux de langages de programmation 3ème ed ».

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Since I was feeling nice (and nostalgic about scheme) I actually waded through your code to finde the mistakes. From what I can see there are 2 problems which keeps the code from running as it should:

If I understand your code correctly (force exp) should evaluate exp, however you directly return it (unevaluated). So it probably should be defined as (define (force exp) (exp))

The second problem is in your lambda: (lambda() ((tylorElementCosine x) (+ n 1)) ) will evaluate to the next element of the taylor series, while it should evaluate to a stream. You probably want something like this: (lambda() (iter (+ n 1)) )

I haven't checked if the output is correct, but with those modifications it does at least run. So if there are any more problems with the code the should be in the formula used.

However I'd suggest that next time you want help with your homework you at least tell us where exactly the problem manifests and what you tried already (the community does frown on "here is some code, please fix it for me" kind of questions).

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