
If i have this code:

template<int SIZE = 0>
class A {

    union {
        int buf[MagicThing];
        /* ... */

Is possible in C++ to make some (macro?) called MagicThing which works this way:

  • if SIZE > 0 then MagicThing == SIZE
  • if SIZE == 0 then MagicThing == 1

At compile time? (Idealy some short trick without needs of using boost library etc.)

Était-ce utile?

La solution

You may use:

int buf[SIZE > 0 ? SIZE : 1];

Autres conseils

You could try this

int buf[SIZE == 0 ? 1 : SIZE]

and make SIZE unsigned, or add a static_assert to check that the size is non-negative. You didn't specify what behaviour you want when SIZE is less than 0. Presumably that shouldn't happen.

(If SIZE will be always 0 or more, change its type to unsigned.)

A crazy sample solution, which perhaps can be used as idea for other situations (using resources of C++11):

#include <iostream>

/* General case */
template<unsigned SIZE>
constexpr unsigned MagicThing()
   return SIZE;

/* Partial specialization when SIZE == 0 */
constexpr unsigned MagicThing<0>()
    return 1;

template<unsigned SIZE = 0>
class A {
   int buf[MagicThing<SIZE>()];

   size_t size() const
       return sizeof(buf) / sizeof(int);

int main()
   A<0> a0;
   A<1> a1;
   A<5> a5;

   std::cout << a0.size() << " " << a1.size() << " " << a5.size() << std::endl;

/* Compilation and execution */
$ gcc -std=c++11 sample.cpp
$ ./a.out
1 1 5

Other (not the simplest one) possibility would be, using the new static_if directive, proposed for the following standard C++14, the next one (I'm not sure if my syntax is correct):

template<unsigned SIZE = 0>
class A {
   static_if (SIZE > 0)
     int buf[SIZE];
     int buf[1];

   size_t size() const
       return sizeof(buf) / sizeof(int);
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