
With jQuery delivered by Google CDN and DataTables delivered by Microsoft CDN I have the following page, where 3 checkboxes allow toggling good, bad, neutral comments about some user (here fullscreen):

browser screenshot

My problem is:

With DataTables 1.9.2 this works well: here jsFiddle

With DataTables 1.9.4 this does not work: here jsFiddle and a copy of my simple test case is at the bottom of this question.

The problematic code is probably here:

        function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
                if ('comments_table' == {

                        var nice = aData[3];

                        if (nice == true)
                                return $('#good_box').is(':checked');

                        if (nice == false)
                                return $('#bad_box').is(':checked');

                        return $('#neutral_box').is(':checked');

                return true;

The console.dir(aData); prints for dataTables 1.9.2 a 4-elements array and I can grab its last element (shown by the red arrow in the above screenshot).

But for DataTables 1.9.4 it only prints a 1-element array for some reason. Why?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
<style type="text/css">
        a img.good {
                border: 3px solid #009900;

        a img.bad {
                border: 3px solid #FF3333;

        a img.neutral {
                border: 3px solid #9999FF;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var ME = "";

$(function() {

                function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
                        if ('comments_table' == {

                                var nice = aData[3];

                                if (nice == true)
                                        return $('#good_box').is(':checked');

                                if (nice == false)
                                        return $('#bad_box').is(':checked');

                                return $('#neutral_box').is(':checked');

                        return true;

        $('#good_box,#bad_box,#neutral_box').click(function() {

        var commentsTable = $('#comments_table').dataTable({
                bJQueryUI: true,
                sPaginationType: 'full_numbers', 
                bProcessing: true,
                bDeferRender: true,
                aaData: [
                {"day":"17.02.2014","about":"A neutral comment about this user","nice":null,"female":false,"author":"OK250354887500","rep_id":960962,"avatar":ME},{"day":"30.11.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":false,"author":"DE10859","avatar":ME},{"day":"23.11.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":false,"author":"OK100836631753","avatar":ME},{"day":"01.04.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":false,"author":"DE8547","avatar":ME},{"day":"29.03.2013","about":"A NEGATIVE comment about this user","nice":false,"female":false,"author":"OK462728443459","rep_id":734122,"avatar":ME},{"day":"26.03.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":true,"author":"DE10472","avatar":ME},{"day":"24.03.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":true,"author":"DE9454","avatar":ME},{"day":"22.03.2013","about":"A NEGATIVE comment about this user","nice":false,"female":false,"author":"DE6294","rep_id":727815,"avatar":ME},{"day":"04.02.2013","about":"A neutral comment about this user","nice":null,"female":false,"author":"VK119456690","rep_id":683816,"avatar":ME}
                fnInitComplete: function () { this.fnAdjustColumnSizing(); },
                aaSorting: [[0, 'desc']],
                aoColumns: [
                        /* 0: day */    { mDataProp: 'day',    bSearchable: false, bSortable: true,  bVisible: true },
                        /* 1: about */  { mDataProp: 'about',  bSearchable: true,  bSortable: false, fnRender: renderAbout },
                        /* 2: avatar */ { mDataProp: 'avatar', bSearchable: false, bSortable: false, fnRender: renderAvatar },
                        /* 4: nice */   { mDataProp: 'nice',   bSearchable: false, bSortable: false, bVisible: false }

function renderAbout(obj) {
        var about = obj.aData['about'];
        var rep_id = obj.aData['rep_id'];

        if (rep_id) {
                return '<i>&laquo;' + about + '&raquo;</i> <a href="#" onclick="return confirm(\'Really delete?\');">delete</a>';

        return '<i>&laquo;' + about + '&raquo;</i>';

function renderAvatar(obj) {
        var avatar = obj.aData['avatar'];
        var author = obj.aData['author'];
        var nice   = obj.aData['nice'];

        if (author) {
                var cls = 'neutral';
                if (nice == true)
                        cls = 'good';
                else if (nice == false)
                        cls = 'bad';

                return '<a href="' + author + '"><img class="' + cls + '" height="45" src="' + avatar + '"></a>';

        return '<img height="45" src="' + avatar + '">';


<label><input type="checkbox" id="good_box" checked>good</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" id="bad_box" checked>bad</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" id="neutral_box" checked>neutral</label>

<table id="comments_table">


I have posted this question at the DataTables forum as well.

Était-ce utile?

La solution

The workaround for now is to make the 4th (nice) column searchable too and use the code

var nice = aData[1];

Here is the jsFiddle, which works with 1.9.4

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