
I need to access a large set of Java interfaces from Scala. These interfaces have methods that might return Null, and I want to convert them to Option[T]

I found other answers that describe Option.apply() like these

How to implicitly wrap a value that can be null or an array into an Scala Option

Option-izing Java getters

However, this requires that for each Java interface, I manually create a Scala wrapper. Like this...

class ScalaFoo extends JavaFoo {
  def bar = Option(

That seems messy, hard to maintain, and prone to error. I don't want all that extra code that does nothing, and I want to automatically wrap all my Java interfaces, so that if one changes, the wrapper also changes.

Surely, there is a way to do this with implicits, isn't there?

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I recently ended up with something like this:

object Implicits {
  implicit class ConvertToOption[T](t: T) {
    def optional = Option(t)


Suppose you have a following Java interface:

public interface Fooable {
    public String getFoo();

public class Foo implements Fooable {
    public String getFoo() { 
        return null; 

In your Scala code:

import Implicits._

val foo = new Foo()
val myOptionalValue = foo.getFoo.optional //returns an Option[String], in this case None because getFoo returns null

I'm not aware of a great way to do this either. However I saw a nice approach on twitter recently:

import Option.{apply => ?}
val fooBar = ?(
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