
In the driver, it correctly finds the position, but I tried using contacts.remove(foundPosition) ... And the 'Contact' was not deleted. How can I delete the entire 'Contact' That the user searched for?


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class contactDriver
public static void main (String[] args)
           Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

           // Asks you to enter values from the given menu.
           int answer;
           System.out.println ("Press 1 to add a contact.");          // Menu is printed.
           System.out.println ("Press 2 to display all contacts.");
           System.out.println ("Press 3 to search for a contact.");
           System.out.println ("Press 4 to search for a contact to delete.");

           answer = scan.nextInt();

           // ArrayList

           ArrayList<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();

        contacts.add(new Contact("Patrick", "McGee", "334-555-8860", ""));
        contacts.add(new Contact("John", "Appleseed", "142-555-6740", ""));
        contacts.add(new Contact("Matt", "Jordan", "213-555-2323", ""));
        contacts.add(new Contact("Kanye", "East", "255-434-9909", ""));
        contacts.add(new Contact("Derrick", "Flower", "144-555-1111", ""));

               // If statements for the user's decision.

           if (answer == 4){ // User searches for a contact and chooses whether or not to delete the contact.
              System.out.println("Enter the first name of the contact to search for.");
              String fname =;

              System.out.println("Enter the last name of the contact to search for.");
              String lname =;

              for(Contact c : contacts)

              int foundPosition = Collections.binarySearch(contacts, new Contact(fname, lname, "", ""));

              // The found contact may or may not be deleted.

              String answer2;
              System.out.println("Would you like to delete this contact? (y/n)");
              answer2 =;

              if (answer2 == "y"){
              contacts.remove(foundPosition); // **HERE is where I need help.**
              System.out.println ("Contact is deleted. Here is the updated contact list: ");

              for(Contact c : contacts)

              if (answer2 == "n"){
              System.out.println("Contact will not be deleted.");


Class containing methods:

 import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;

public  class Contact implements Comparable<Contact>

public Contact(String fname, String lname, String num, String email)
  this.fname = fname;
  this.lname = lname;
  this.num = num; = email;

 public String getFirstname()
  return fname;

 public String getLastname()
  return lname;

  public String getNum()
  return num;

  public String getEmail()
  return email;

  public int compareTo(Contact other)
  if (fname.compareTo(other.lname) == 0)
  return fname.compareTo(other.fname);
  return lname.compareTo(other.lname);

  public String toString()
  return "Contact[" + fname + ", " + lname + ", " + num + ", " + email + "]";

   private String fname;
   private String lname;
   private String num;
   private String email;     



import java.util.Comparator;

class ContactComparator implements Comparator<Contact>

public int compare(Contact a, Contact b)

  if (a.getFirstname().compareTo(b.getFirstname()) == 0)
     return a.getFirstname().compareTo(b.getFirstname());
     return a.getLastname().compareTo(b.getLastname());




Était-ce utile?

La solution

The reason why remove(int) is not working is because is not executed.

In your case is that you wrongly compare reference type.

 if (answer2 == "y"){
    contacts.remove(foundPosition); // **HERE is where I need help.**

When using objects to check that are equal you should call method equals

if ("y".equalsIgnoreCase(answer2)){ // **HERE is where You needed help.**

You can read more about it here:

How do I compare strings in Java?

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