
I'm pretty confused as to why this is. When I close and open my app on my phone without killing the process, it reopens as if it was never open to begin with. If I continue to use the app that was sent via USB debugging after disconnecting the cable, it works fine. If I grab the APK from the bin folder and install that, it will break.

This is my code for saving my variables in the onSaveInstanceState method:

outState.putParcelableArrayList(PAIRS, pairs);
outState.putStringArrayList(PLAYERS, players);
outState.putParcelableArray(TEAMS_IN, teamsIn);
outState.putSerializable(GAMES_OUT, gamesOut);
outState.putStringArrayList(CURRENTLY_PLAYING, currentlyPlaying);       

And this is the code that runs in onCreate if savedInstanceState != null:

pairs = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList(PAIRS); //TODO: look into type
players = savedInstanceState.getStringArrayList(PLAYERS);
teamsIn = (Team[]) savedInstanceState.getParcelableArray(TEAMS_IN);
gamesOut = (HashMap<String, Integer>) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(GAMES_OUT); 
currentlyPlaying = (ArrayList<String>) savedInstanceState.getStringArrayList(CURRENTLY_PLAYING);

What could possibly be causing this?

Pas de solution correcte

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