
Here is the runit script:

cd <%= @options[:release_path] %>
exec 2>&1
exec chpst -u <%= @options[:owner] %>:<%= @options[:group] %> <%= @options[:puma_command] %> -C config/puma.rb

Here is the runit log script:

exec chpst -u root:root svlogd -tt <%= @options[:log_dir] %>

Here is how I'm populating those variables in chef:

deploy_path = "/home/#{node[:myapp][:user]}/#{cookbook_name}"
shared_path = "#{deploy_path}/shared"
rvm_context = '/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm 2.1.0 do'

deploy_revision 'path/to/my/service' do
  restart_command do
    runit_service 'puma' do
        :release_path => "#{deploy_path}/current",
        :owner        => 'foo',
        :group        => 'foo',
        :puma_command => "#{rvm_context} bundle exec puma",
        :log_dir      => "#{shared_path}/log"

Chef completes the run successfully but the service is not started.

If I run this command manually then I get a timeout error.

chef@cheftests:/etc/sv/puma$ sudo sv start puma
timeout: down: puma: 0s, normally up, want up

If I run the exact command that the puma_command populates the runit script with then puma successfully starts, at this point it's completely bypassing runit but I know for sure the puma script is in working order.

Pas de solution correcte

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