
I'm involved with a project that is moving from IE8 to IE9. I learned that IE9 and above no longer supports selectNodes() for performing xPath queries. In response, I turned to Google's Wicked-Good-XPath, a native JavaScript xpath library, to get access to the Evaluate XPath function.

The XML document I'm trying to execute the XPath query against looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SearchResults xmlns="">
      <MN />
      <Suffix />

Since I want to select any/all ADISResults nodes, my XPath query, taking the namespace into consideration, looks like: //*[local-name()='ADISResults']. The query doesn't seem to be the problem, since it produces the expected results at XPathTester.

My JavaScript calling Wicked-Good-XPath and its evaluate function looks like:

var xPathQuery = "//*[local-name()='ADISResults']";
var xpr = xdoc.evaluate(xPathQuery, xdoc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var nl = xpr.singleNodeValue;

But if I run the code above, and inspect the XPathResult, var xpr, I see [Exception: TypeError] for many of the variable's properties, including xpr.singleNodeValue. Ultimately, I'm trying to retrieve a list of matching xml nodes into var nl.

What am I doing wrong?

Update 3/4/2014:

After performing more testing, I think the problem has to lie in my assumptions about the xdoc object I'm using. It is passed to the success handler of a jQuery AJAX call to an ASP.NET ajax handler. In inspecting the xdoc object's properties, it seems like a valid XML document object. Are there some specific properties on which exaluate relies that I should be aware of?

All the other arguments and their types seem to be in line with W3 documentation, so that leave the xdoc object as the sole suspect.

Update 2 3/4/2014:

Ok. This has to be something subtle within the xdoc object itself. I've generated a dump of it's contents in the hopes that it may help in figuring this out.

webkitFullscreenElement: null;
webkitFullscreenEnabled: true;
webkitCurrentFullScreenElement: null;
webkitFullScreenKeyboardInputAllowed: false;
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onerror: null;
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onclick: null;
onchange: null;
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oncanplay: null;
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onabort: null;
currentScript: null;
webkitHidden: true;
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hidden: true;
visibilityState: hidden;
onwheel: null;
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onwebkitpointerlockchange: null;
onwebkitfullscreenerror: null;
onwebkitfullscreenchange: null;
onselectstart: null;
onselectionchange: null;
onsearch: null;
onreadystatechange: null;
onpaste: null;
oncut: null;
oncopy: null;
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lastModified: 03/04/2014 22:26:49;
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forms: [object HTMLCollection];
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applets: [object HTMLCollection];
images: [object HTMLCollection];
head: null;
body: null;
cookie: ;
URL: http://localhost:58748/AJAXHandlers/AdvSrch.ashx;
domain: localhost;
referrer: ;
title: ;
styleSheets: [object StyleSheetList];
defaultView: null;
documentURI: http://localhost:58748/AJAXHandlers/AdvSrch.ashx;
xmlStandalone: false;
xmlVersion: 1.0;
xmlEncoding: null;
inputEncoding: null;
documentElement: [object Element];
implementation: [object DOMImplementation];
doctype: null;
parentElement: null;
textContent: null;
baseURI: http://localhost:58748/AJAXHandlers/AdvSrch.ashx;
localName: null;
prefix: null;
namespaceURI: null;
ownerDocument: null;
nextSibling: null;
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lastChild: [object Element];
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childNodes: [object NodeList];
parentNode: null;
nodeType: 9;
nodeValue: null;
nodeName: #document;
createElement: function createElement() { [native code] };
createDocumentFragment: function createDocumentFragment() { [native code] };
createTextNode: function createTextNode() { [native code] };
createComment: function createComment() { [native code] };
createCDATASection: function createCDATASection() { [native code] };
createProcessingInstruction: function createProcessingInstruction() { [native code] };
createAttribute: function createAttribute() { [native code] };
getElementsByTagName: function getElementsByTagName() { [native code] };
importNode: function importNode() { [native code] };
createElementNS: function createElementNS() { [native code] };
createAttributeNS: function createAttributeNS() { [native code] };
getElementsByTagNameNS: function getElementsByTagNameNS() { [native code] };
getElementById: function getElementById() { [native code] };
createEvent: function createEvent() { [native code] };
createRange: function createRange() { [native code] };
createNodeIterator: function createNodeIterator() { [native code] };
createTreeWalker: function createTreeWalker() { [native code] };
execCommand: function execCommand() { [native code] };
queryCommandEnabled: function queryCommandEnabled() { [native code] };
queryCommandIndeterm: function queryCommandIndeterm() { [native code] };
queryCommandState: function queryCommandState() { [native code] };
queryCommandSupported: function queryCommandSupported() { [native code] };
queryCommandValue: function queryCommandValue() { [native code] };
getElementsByName: function getElementsByName() { [native code] };
elementFromPoint: function elementFromPoint() { [native code] };
caretRangeFromPoint: function caretRangeFromPoint() { [native code] };
getSelection: function getSelection() { [native code] };
getCSSCanvasContext: function getCSSCanvasContext() { [native code] };
getElementsByClassName: function getElementsByClassName() { [native code] };
querySelector: function querySelector() { [native code] };
querySelectorAll: function querySelectorAll() { [native code] };
webkitExitPointerLock: function webkitExitPointerLock() { [native code] };
evaluate: function evaluate() { [native code] };
adoptNode: function adoptNode() { [native code] };
getOverrideStyle: function getOverrideStyle() { [native code] };
registerElement: function registerElement() { [native code] };
webkitCancelFullScreen: function webkitCancelFullScreen() { [native code] };
webkitExitFullscreen: function webkitExitFullscreen() { [native code] };
createExpression: function createExpression() { [native code] };
createNSResolver: function createNSResolver() { [native code] };
insertBefore: function insertBefore() { [native code] };
replaceChild: function replaceChild() { [native code] };
removeChild: function removeChild() { [native code] };
appendChild: function appendChild() { [native code] };
hasChildNodes: function hasChildNodes() { [native code] };
cloneNode: function cloneNode() { [native code] };
normalize: function normalize() { [native code] };
isSupported: function isSupported() { [native code] };
lookupPrefix: function lookupPrefix() { [native code] };
isDefaultNamespace: function isDefaultNamespace() { [native code] };
lookupNamespaceURI: function lookupNamespaceURI() { [native code] };
isSameNode: function isSameNode() { [native code] };
isEqualNode: function isEqualNode() { [native code] };
compareDocumentPosition: function compareDocumentPosition() { [native code] };
contains: function contains() { [native code] };
addEventListener: function addEventListener() { [native code] };
removeEventListener: function removeEventListener() { [native code] };
dispatchEvent: function dispatchEvent() { [native code] };

Pas de solution correcte

Autres conseils

If the response type of the data request is responseXML, then an MSXML object will be returned in IE9 and below (or the equivalent document mode in newer versions), which is not compatible with DOM Level 3 XPath. Use responseText instead, then convert it to a XMLDocument via DOMParser.


This local-name function has been fixed for XML documents has been fixed in Wicked Good XPath, but general XML support is not yet guaranteed. Working on it ...

Try evaluate on document.

var xPathQuery = "//*[local-name()='ADISResults']";
var xpr = document.evaluate(xPathQuery, xdoc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var nl = xpr.singleNodeValue;
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